Okay, here's the rest, and we'll start with all the context you could want, looking west.
This one is from a similar context to the very first new one we ran above, but trees removed. More shadowy neighbours (that's MuseumHouse ghosting in on the left for example), and some of the ROM's crystal on the right.
Looking into the lobby from the street.
Looking out to the street from the lobby.
Ground floor plan.
We'll take the elevator up to the 10th. You'll see the fitness centre in the plan here, overlooking the 9th floor terrace.
And one floor down, the amenities of the 9th floor in plan.
So, on the 9th floor, we'll start with the party room then zoom in. That's the outdoor terrace in behind of course.
The private dining area.
The bar.
And the terrace, looking back toward the party room.
This evening we'll run the model shots: some of the terraces where the cubes shift will be particularly cool.