Mississauga Erin Square Condos | ?m | 21s | Pemberton

Yeah, it's pretty crazy to see how quickly the area is densifying. I grew up in the area and things have changed a lot since I left in 2015.

I'd like to see it start with the Panera and Paramount/Tim's sites first. It's definitely an opportune time to start something for the Panera site, given the vacancy.

This is not a very good plan. If they are trying to make the area eventually into a bit of an urban node, it shouldn't revolve so thoroughly around the mall (which one would expect to eventually be redeveloped and integrated into new mixed us developments). Should be looking at more of a fine-grain grid layout for the site as it redevelops. Probably okay to leave Eglinton and Erin Mills as arterials and not try too hard to urbanize them--you'd need the smaller scale streets interior to the mall lands to do that. Of course, do what you can to make them more walkable but they will need to continue to be car sewers. Almost a shame that the Transitway is so close yet too far to the south. It probably scuppers any idea of having BRT on Eglinton.

Regardless, towers in the park shouldn't be allowed to be built anymore. Consolidate greenspace into parks and not useless strips between buildings and the road.
If the city didn't have to plan around the mall being there I'm pretty sure they would tbh, but also knowing the city they will definitely be keeping Eglinton and Erin Mills the same traffic sewers they are today but maybe with bike paths🤷‍♀️. I just hope that Erin Mills Pkwy just gets a branch from the transitway to have some type of transit solution to the area or even a pipe dream of BRT on the whole street 😳
It is a hedge of condos.
I’m selfish and would have rather seen this mall close and all development be placed around square one, hurontario and the lake. But it’s better than what was there before and they used to have a Nintendo kiosk.
There is zero attempt to engage Eglinton - it's even worse than the comparable stretch at MCC/Burnhamthrope.

I don't need it to address Eglinton (which is a traffic sewer and always will be), but this row of condos could have made a parallel street south of Eglinton with retail facing, etc.
