Toronto Emerald Park Condos | 128.92m | 40s | Bazis | Rosario Varacalli

Update on the digging.

Dear Jivey80,
What an improvement !
Thank you for the regular updates.
You are in the best location. Please keep update us with photographs.
the buildings are super thin. They're only two units plus a hull way thick. Although that pick sort of have an optical illusion that makes the site look smaller than it actually is.

thanks as always jivey80 for your wonderful pictures.

there seem to be two diggers on the site now. Although the second one (the Cat) hasn't really moved over the past week. Are they actually going to use it? or is this just a parking space.

Also, does anyone know how the commissioning of dump trucks work? Sites like Gibson square seem to have an unending stream of dump trucks lining up out side if its gates, but Emerald Park always seem to get only one here and there and that' all.
Dump Trucks seem to come and go in spurts.

Some days hardly any, other days they are lined up on Poyntz Avenue or on Beecroft to get into the site
thx jvy as always

8 days since the last update. doesn't seem like these guys have digged much at all. anyone have any guesses as to why?
Likely because the shoring folks are slow (which they often are) and looking at how they are digging means the city may be holding things up on side of the site.
hmmm what do you mean by the city may be holding things up? i'm not a digging expert so I really don't see what you see in here. Please do explain, much thanks!
If you take a closer look they have not been working on the west side of the site which likely means that they are not able to. Typically in a site you take the whole area down to the same elevation as you dig. Looks like they are not doing that here cause the people drilling have not done any work on the west side. (Which could be the result of building permit delays from the city etc.. in that area.) Hope this helps to clarify
Looking at the photos, I do not see a drill rig on site. Would the city not issue a 'shoring' permit for the entire site, as opposed to certain areas of the site?

jivey, do you know if they already shored the Western portion of the site (could you zoom in) - if possible? I'm assuming they have completed the shoring process if the drill rig is not on site. I looked back at some of the earlier photos and could not tell if they did infact shore the Western portion.
Not necessarily. You can get access to some areas of the site and not others to get the ball rolling. You can tell there is no shoring on the west side ... there are no steel beams that stick up.
That's interesting. Well I took a couple pictures of the western edge of the site a month ago. There are boxes that surrounds something that i thought was a pile that was drilled into the ground. You guys take a look and let me know.

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On the question of the development permits, I have found information posted online by the West Lansing Homeowners Association website.

They have a section on development in the area and have the following update on Emerald Park:

2. Emerald Park (NW of Yonge St & Poyntz Ave)

Status: Approved

This application by Bazis calls for two towers, 39 and 30 storeys on a 3 storey commercial podium. It will consist of 565 residential units and over 13,000 sq. m. of non-residential space.

WLHA was prepared to support the application provided the developer was obligated to build what was in their application. Councillor Filion shared the WLHA's concern that the developer could potentially acquire the critical City owned real estate needed to complete the development block, and simply flip the property to another developer who could apply to build something totally different and likely less desirable. An innovative agreement to structure this safeguard was put in place by the city. The development was conditional on the sale of a city-owned laneway to the developer. The developer was able to purchase the laneway from the city on the condition that it will build exactly what it planned to build. As part of the development proposal, the community will benefit from a new community centre paid for by the developer, to be built as part of a new Lansing United Church on the site of the current church. As of May 6, 2011 the City was still reviewing the application and building permits have NOT been issued. Councillor Filion did confirm the developer has paid the City for development work on Lansing United Church as agreed in exchange for density rights. WLHA will continue closely to monitor applications of the Church and Emerald Park and forward information as it becomes available.

link to developer's website

This association has been active under councillor Filion over the last several years.
