Toronto Emerald Park Condos | 128.92m | 40s | Bazis | Rosario Varacalli

Still nothing going on there yet at the Toasty's unit. Sometimes the tenants would come into my unit and we would chat. The last time that happened was 2 months ago. Builders take a long, long time to settle and this combined with how long the case has to wait for a time slot at court means at least a year or two before we see anything.

While checking up on the Toasty's I also noticed that the Noodle House was open, it's about the 2nd biggest unit in the food court. Rico Food is on vacation until the 27th.
I assume that you have fixed monthly costs for the Toasty unit and no income from it to offset those costs. Have you considered opening and getting an income stream while waiting for the trial outcome? I've looked at the unit and the water damage appears to be more minor than major; ceiling tiles need replacing, counters, floor and grill need cleaning. There may be more that I didn't see looking through the grille. What are your thoughts on refurbishing the unit yourself and opening?
Oh my unit is not the Toasty one, it's my friends (the tenant). I own a retail unit.

Yea I've been wondering the same thing for them. The food court units rent out quite easily compared to retail so not only are they losing monthly TMI but also profit from rent. There must be some deeper issue than the ceiling drywall however they have not disclosed anything to me.

If they refurbish then that's getting rid of evidence...

Oh and also my taxes have still not been paid back yet.
I noticed a sale going on today on the defaulted units. 5% off until march 17. Already 3 have sold out of 11. Keep in mind as well that these units were already 15% discounted in the first place.
Just tried the new noodle place. It's not bad but the meat portion is too small for the price. Considering the amount of food you get from Rico or Allwyn's for ~$9, I feel like it should be closer to $8.99 than $11.99. The noodle place at the corner unit has a lot more variety of toppings in the noodle but the price they charge is even higher... close to $15. Taste-wise, it (the corner unit noodle place) isn't that great either. The soup literally tastes like it's just water and chili oil... I guess it appeals to mainlander tastes.

I still need to try Teranj, Bean House, and Eupin. Think I've tried multiple items at all the other places.

Having worked from home today, it was interesting to see that the food court is pretty packed during lunch hours.
I spoke to Councillor Filion and he again re-iterated that it's Bazis failing to live up to commitments that's preventing the TTC connection from opening. He also mentioned that the city could initiate legal action against Bazis which would lengthen the process even longer. Good to see we'll have to walk outside through another massive snow storm this week while our building's connection stays closed.
That update from Mint and Filion says it all. It's all up to Bazis. It has nothing to do with the TTC. Bazis signed legal, binding agreements with the TTC before construction began specifying specific payment amounts on specific dates and Bazis has failed to meet their obligations. Bazis is putting all their money into paying contractors at their active condo sites and may be cash tight to pay the TTC so they're stalling. It's not a matter of Bazis disputing the agreements or trying to renegotiate them as AmnesiaJune thinks. They're just stalling, so the TTC said, "no pay, no tunnel."

Here are some of the specific terms and criteria that form the master agreement and legally bind Bazis.
1. Financial obligations of developers and building owners shall be clearly
defined and communicated to the developer or building owner early in the
development process in the case of proposed new developments.
2.The Entrance Connection fee shall be based on the size and location of the
particular Development and the calculation of the fee shall be transparent.
All Entrance Connections shall attract an Entrance Connection fee in
accordance with this policy which shall be paid by the developer or building
owner in accordance with the Entrance Connection agreement.
3.The property requirements for elements of an Entrance Connection which will
be maintained by TTC once the Entrance Connection is under operation or
which forms or will form a structural component of the Transit Station will
be provided by the developer or owner of the Development in easement or
fee (simple or strata) interest in the name of the City of Toronto for use by
the TTC as determined by the TTC in consultation with the City of Toronto.
4. The Entrance Connection is the subject of an Entrance Connection agreement
setting out the fee structure, process for approval of the construction plans
and documents, construction methods and procedures, responsibilities for
security (including the responsibility for opening and closing the Entrance
Connection), repair and maintenance, liability, insurance provisions, future
upgrades to the connection, signage, and responsibility for structural
inspection, maintenance and rehabilitation.
5. Fee Structure
The Entrance Connection fee is a rate per square metre or square foot of
Development Gross Floor Area that increases with the development density
as follows:
Density of Development Rate
Dollars per Square Metre
<4 times density $3.23
4-5 times density $4.84
5-6 times density $5.38
6-7 times density $5.92
>7 times density $8.07

6.Payment of Entrance Connection Fees
Entrance Connection fees can be paid as a lump sum amount or in
instalments over a period not to exceed 20 years and taking into account the
time value of money, equal at a minimum to the payment of a loan at prime
plus 1% annual interest.
7.All costs associated with the initial design and construction of an Entrance
Connection shall be borne by the developer.

There are many more pages in the agreement but I won't bore you with fine print and legal language.
It's all up to Bazis but if they continue to stall and be evasive, there could be legal action.

Here's a silly, juvenile statement from the Bazis info line. "For any matters as to why the tunnel has be closed please contact the TTC as Emerald Park does not have any authority in this matter." As if Bazis has no idea why it's closed.
It's pretty shameful but we (now) know how low of a developer we're dealing with. Why not just pay what they owe...? This garbage developer is either going to get sued by the city or by the retail/condo owners anyways. Doesn't that just mean more legal fees and costs for them in the long run?
Bazis signed legal, binding agreements with the TTC before construction began specifying specific payment amounts on specific dates and Bazis has failed to meet their obligations.
It's not a matter of Bazis disputing the agreements or trying to renegotiate them as AmnesiaJune thinks.

"Not paying" and "disputing" are the exact same thing as far as the Canadian legal system is concerned.
Your vacuous nitpicking and lack of knowledge in jurisprudence adds little to this conversation. I'll repeat myself. Bazis is not disputing anything. They signed a binding legal agreement that their own lawyers approved. Now, they are failing to comply. "Not paying" as stipulated in the agreement and "disputing" are two completely different issues and concepts. If you acted in your own defence in court and offered that weak argument for failing to meet timely financial obligations by saying, "It's merely a dispute, not a failure to pay," then one might say you had a fool for a lawyer.
I'm actually surprised they're willing to throw away a business relationship with the TTC. If I'm TTC, I would blacklist Bazis after this debacle.

I think it's time to send more information to Toronto Star to publicly shame this developer. "Gift to the community"... what a joke.
Emerald Park photo featured in Toronto Star article today



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Lol becoming more like world on Yonge each day.

Jokes aside, is there even space for an oven or a prep area to make cakes? The cakes at Cheese garden further up Yonge are quite good.
