Toronto Emerald City Phases 1 to 3 including Dream Tower | ?m | 36s | Almadev | WZMH




Thanks for the pics!

Anyone has any idea if they will illuminate the top portion of the building with light like you see the ones in downtown?

That would be nice feature!
Tower 2 is at floor 27 with tower 3 at 20, so the end is near for top off.

Landscaping going on around Tower 1 and getting close for the first batch of owners. The south side roof area is being inclosed.

The retail area is mostly finish and waiting new business once the building opens. More townhouses are being prepared to be build to the west side of the 3 towers with shoring going in.

TTC Sure screw up the front area of this complex by trying to get air right money to the point they will never get any and did harm with the street look than being part of the development. /my rant.

Photos to follow.
Like always, we appreciate the pictures so much, Drum118. Are there more of the new ones on your flickr?

When do you think people will start to move in on the first floor?
The "colour" choices on the exterior of this project are awful and bleak. Also, that window wall looks like your typical "Built to last (10 years)" stuff. Bad news.
A new video of the project


At 1:22, the narrator says that this project is downtown. What?
on that video the shows a unit living room with pillar in the corner. My unit is a cornet unit as well but you can't see the pillar. It is covered with grey window wall. I wonder how it looks like from inside. Less window I guess?? Less attractive?? what do you guys think?
