Midtown Urbanist
From the Site's Transportation documents:
From the Site's Planning Rationale documents:
So it looks like this is at the end of the POP space and is open to the public. Here is a map I pulled from the architectural document:
The entrance is at the very bottom. It looks to be elevator accessible.
So how will the TTC connection in E Condos look like anyway?
A direct connection to the Toronto Transit Commission / Metrolinx subway and future light rail transit line is proposed on Parking Level 1 (P1), using a future connection to 31 Roehampton Avenue.
The existing Eglinton Station (Yonge-University-Spadina Subway) is approximately 200 metres to the south-west of the subject site. This particular development is designed with a knockout panel to directly provide tunnelled access to the subway station/future mobility hub.
From the Site's Planning Rationale documents:
At the end of the POPS is a public access to the Eglinton TTC subway station, provided through a public connection at the south end of the building, with both an elevator and stairs that bring residents down to the first underground level. A knockout panel in the underground garage of E15 will provide direct connection to the station and retail concourse.
The subject site is located within approximately 70 metres (radius distance) and 175 metres (walking distance) to the nearest entrance to the Eglinton subway station and is part of the Yonge-Eglinton Centre. In addition, the under-construction E15 Condos to the east will include a direct, publicly-accessible, underground connection to the subway station. The building will include a knockout panel in the first underground level of E15, along its east lot line which abuts the subject site. As part of this proposed development, a connection to E15’s direct subway link is proposed, to be accessed from the ground floor lobby
So it looks like this is at the end of the POP space and is open to the public. Here is a map I pulled from the architectural document:
The entrance is at the very bottom. It looks to be elevator accessible.
So how will the TTC connection in E Condos look like anyway?