Toronto Downtown Condos at Wellington West | 36.57m | 11s | Parallax | Sweeny &Co

There's nothing "trumping" about it. It was an observation. In that time, the area has improved with many more businesses and residents having moved in. A decade ago it was extremely quiet, but not unsafe. Were there "sketchy" people around? Sure, but that doesn't mean that they are automatically dangerous. Still, you have to be the first judge about your own personal safety.
Last i checked a while back, all the streets in the area require repaving. But beyond that I like the place.
While I don't necessarily disagree with it, I am wondering its history. the provision for that space has obviously been there for over a century as every building on the street follows it, but yet that preserved space is largely just parking lots (at least on the south side) I thought it might be for a linear park, but it surprises me that the city has never capitalized on this over the 100+ years this provision seems to have existed for.

Plans are in the works for a linear park along Wellington from Spadina to Portland, in effect connecting Clarence Square with Victoria Park. The intersection of Wellington and Portland is also to be re-worked. The city has been accumulating Section 37 funding from developments in the area - some of which may be used for part of the upgrades. I am not aware of all the design details and timing being planned for the start of construction - I believe that is still being worked out.
Plans are in the works for a linear park along Wellington from Spadina to Portland, in effect connecting Clarence Square with Victoria Park. The intersection of Wellington and Portland is also to be re-worked. The city has been accumulating Section 37 funding from developments in the area - some of which may be used for part of the upgrades. I am not aware of all the design details and timing being planned for the start of construction - I believe that is still being worked out.

where did u hear this?? and where would the part be located? wellington is lined with properties on both the north and south sides of the street between spadina and portland.
where did u hear this?? and where would the part be located? wellington is lined with properties on both the north and south sides of the street between spadina and portland.

Re-working and upgrading of the wide setbacks. Information from Adam Vaughn and Wellington Place Neighbourhood Association (WPNA).
Pic taken Dec 3 2012


Poor Bar Wellington squished up. Does this look like something a "world class" city would approve? A concrete wall flat against a heritage building? Ridiculous. Only our local councillor - who's never met a condo plan he doesn't like - would allow builders a free rein to destroyour city.

This is not urban planning - which college or university teaches this method - it is ghettoism. All those City-employed elites, planners, and union types getting paid 200,000/yr to rubber stamp this stuff.
Poor Bar Wellington squished up. Does this look like something a "world class" city would approve? A concrete wall flat against a heritage building? Ridiculous. Only our local councillor - who's never met a condo plan he doesn't like - would allow builders a free rein to destroyour city.

This is not urban planning - which college or university teaches this method - it is ghettoism. All those City-employed elites, planners, and union types getting paid 200,000/yr to rubber stamp this stuff.

First of all - Adam Vaughn has been working constantly to maintain the character of the neighbourhood, to maintain development limits in particular in the blocks between Spadina and Bathurst. The public consultation meetings held to present projects are venues for the community to voice their opinions - he does not use them as his own personal soap box - as the meetings are for the community's chance to speak, that does not mean he is not working to have developers make their projects fit the area. Adam has been instrumental in opposing the additional height sought for the 621 King Street West project, resulting in its appeal to the OMB - Case Number PL120107. Another development in which Adam has been heavily involved with has been the Minto (previously Minto / Freed) project at Bathurst and Front.

Secondly, the heritage designation applies to a specific building. There is no law which expropriates development rights from the owners of adjoining properties just because the property next door has been designated. The tools the City has to work with are the existing bylaws and regulations. The only way in which individual properties can be protected from development in their immediate area is through the designation of a heritage district and adoption of an appropriate heritage district conservation plan - something which has been worked on but is not currently in place for the area.

I am not saying I like and would personally defend the positioning of the Downtown building next to the Bar Wellington - I do not, I agree that it is not appropriate. The parties involved were working within a well defined pre-existing legal and regulatory framework - that is what needs to be changed. It is your criticism of the individuals and groups involved which is inappropriate and wrong.
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There's nothing "trumping" about it. It was an observation. In that time, the area has improved with many more businesses and residents having moved in. A decade ago it was extremely quiet, but not unsafe. Were there "sketchy" people around? Sure, but that doesn't mean that they are automatically dangerous. Still, you have to be the first judge about your own personal safety.

Relax--I was conceding the point in an entirely honest and simple way. You've lived there for 10 years. I never have. That simply means you have an upper hand in the 'debate,' and I was happy to admit that. Not everyone is maniacally concerned with being right--not even on the internet.
Poor Bar Wellington squished up. Does this look like something a "world class" city would approve?

Yes. Why not?

A concrete wall flat against a heritage building? Ridiculous.

Why is that 'ridiculous?'

Only our local councillor - who's never met a condo plan he doesn't like - would allow builders a free rein to destroyour city.

Completely untrue. Anyone with any knowledge of Toronto's political structure and the players within it knows that Vaughan is perhaps the most involved Councillor when it comes to bringing developers and the community together. This sort of Sun-comments-quality slander doesn't belong on UT.

This is not urban planning - which college or university teaches this method - it is ghettoism. All those City-employed elites, planners, and union types getting paid 200,000/yr to rubber stamp this stuff.

Well seeing as I am a planner who has attended an accredited university and is an active member of both OPPI and CIP, I can attest that Downtown is very in keeping with the current academic and professional planning paradigm. Furthermore, there are no rubber stamps and very few $200,000/year jobs.

Thanks for playing!

Thank you, Adam, for dropping by. :rolleyes:

The similar outpouring from "limp wristed lefties" towing the party line was impressive. Full disclosure: I voted against Ford (and not for- Smitherman either!) and against Miller.

Looking forward to several mega towers at King @ Bluejays way? Planned above Shoppers Drug, and on the SE corner (King Blue conodo), and SW (Tux) with Bisha beside, M5V in place, Charlie across, and 40-50 story Lamb Charlotte condos above the LCBO, and maye one above BLoke & 4th's location. Yep the local councillor is making this a livable city/wind tunnel.

The Wellington neighbourhood is now a concrete disaster, with walking and driving becoming increasingly hard. King St. streetcars crawl during commuting time. Try crossing those Portland/Wellington/King intersections during commute time. Taxis going to the Thompson Hotel represent up to a 1/4 of traffic most times.

How many of you who are howling are actually living in the area? Or are you living securely in your 905 area zero-lot lines houses? Looking forward to more 10-storey concrete walls wedged up beside old houses? Amazing asthetic, as the only the gods planned it....
Thank you, Adam, for dropping by. :rolleyes:

The similar outpouring from "limp wristed lefties" towing the party line was impressive. Full disclosure: I voted against Ford (and not for- Smitherman either!) and against Miller.

Looking forward to several mega towers at King @ Bluejays way? Planned above Shoppers Drug, and on the SE corner (King Blue conodo), and SW (Tux) with Bisha beside, M5V in place, Charlie across, and 40-50 story Lamb Charlotte condos above the LCBO, and maye one above BLoke & 4th's location. Yep the local councillor is making this a livable city/wind tunnel.

The Wellington neighbourhood is now a concrete disaster, with walking and driving becoming increasingly hard. King St. streetcars crawl during commuting time. Try crossing those Portland/Wellington/King intersections during commute time. Taxis going to the Thompson Hotel represent up to a 1/4 of traffic most times.

How many of you who are howling are actually living in the area? Or are you living securely in your 905 area zero-lot lines houses? Looking forward to more 10-storey concrete walls wedged up beside old houses? Amazing asthetic, as the only the gods planned it....

It is downtown, there will be multiple highrises, there will be traffic jam. Population density will be high and that's what makes the neighbourhood lively and different from the 905.
It seems that you just hate tall condo towers and increasing density. You know what, you like to live there, so do other people. King West is the most lively area downtown and you can't expect it will remain an low rise exclusive neighbourhood just to you, right? Cuz if you do, move to Rosedale. There will be no added density and wind tunnel for sure.

I think it is fantastic that we are adding so many highrise condos in the entertainment district so that more and more young families can live in the core. It should expand gradually to the north, to Queen West, and Chinatown and College St to achieve similar density. I hope similar densification will soon happen east of Yonge St as well.

Our downtown is still far from dense enough. Let it grow let it grow.
Thank you, Adam, for dropping by. :rolleyes:

The similar outpouring from "limp wristed lefties" towing the party line was impressive. Full disclosure: I voted against Ford (and not for- Smitherman either!) and against Miller.

Looking forward to several mega towers at King @ Bluejays way? Planned above Shoppers Drug, and on the SE corner (King Blue conodo), and SW (Tux) with Bisha beside, M5V in place, Charlie across, and 40-50 story Lamb Charlotte condos above the LCBO, and maye one above BLoke & 4th's location. Yep the local councillor is making this a livable city/wind tunnel.

The Wellington neighbourhood is now a concrete disaster, with walking and driving becoming increasingly hard. King St. streetcars crawl during commuting time. Try crossing those Portland/Wellington/King intersections during commute time. Taxis going to the Thompson Hotel represent up to a 1/4 of traffic most times.

How many of you who are howling are actually living in the area? Or are you living securely in your 905 area zero-lot lines houses? Looking forward to more 10-storey concrete walls wedged up beside old houses? Amazing asthetic, as the only the gods planned it....

Hmm, you need to solidify your message in to something more concise, and realize that this isn't at all about partisan lines. I am not sure where to start debunking since there is so much fluff in there. Either way, most of what you are saying sounds like one of those rants from a conspiracy theorist, as if the world is coming to its end. There are towers planned because thats what is required to create a strong downtown full of talented people who want to live near their work places. That means some density will be required. To be honest, King West has developed with more sensitivity to its surroundings that most high rise areas in Toronto. I think midrises give a nice aesthetic, which is what you have in King West, as well as most european cities. Midrise is great on avenues to increase population density without completely ruining the charm of the old low density streetscape (which I think it what you wish to keep). Me thinks you doth protest quite a bit too much. We should be happy the scale is being paid some attention in this nbhd rather than block busting.
Well, Vaughansters, roll up your skinny jeans don your felt chapeau (touques are sooo Queen-West!), and head over to Jimmy's Coffee for some fair trade.
Not a few doors up, SE corner of Portland and Adelaide, is a parking lot surely to be turned into condos one day. You will be wailing, Do we need more condos-can we not enjoy our coffee in peace- no room for parking, traffic.

My point is, during the commuting times you cannot even exit 75 Portland parking garage due to the Portland St. traffic backup. Guess what, the next-door Freed 500 Well West (prices from 1.5mill to 10mill) shares this same garage's entrance! Imagine, millionaires stuck in their garage. To then build "The Downtown" on the same corner, smack up against a historical house (I've dropped my self-administered "Heritage" designation. Hoping it enjoyed its day-of-fame) is irresponsible planning.

But it's only 10 stories! And 75 Portland. And 500 Well west, and an the one planned for C Lounge's space. Keep repeating that mantra. But it's only 10 stories! Where's that rubber stamp.... :(
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