Toronto Discovery at Concord Park Place | ?m | 28s | Concord Adex | BDP Quadrangle

May 15 2010 update

Bldgs 'A' @ 20th floor + Bldg 'B' @ 18th floor - northwest / southwest / southeast elevations
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Bldg 'C' Townhouses - the 3 storey structure is already poured

Bldg 'E' - 2nd floor now complete
Excellent update, Solaris. Thanks for keeping us up to speed on this one as I'm not in that area ever, really, but I want to follow the Park Place project!
What about the pics for the often forgotten and beloved building D?? That's where I will be. I heard it should be on the same pace with Building E.
solaris is the best, thanks for the updates, I think if it weren't for him, we'd end up on page 100! Nice pace of development!
I took these in the last few days.


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Just curious, how far is the walk from Building A+ B to the subway station?

bshwr, when I bought my unit in A, I was told that both A and B are the closest to Leslie and initially we might have to walk outside to get to the station, about a 5 minute walk. Eventually, there should be a tunnel directly to the station, possibly through an underground mall or plaza. Its hard for me to wrap my head around that one geographically though. But if you look at the map, its actually pretty close.
Canadian Tire's new headquarters are being built directly north of Discovery, and it will have an underground connection to Leslie station.

Some buildings will be closer to Leslie and some will be closer to Bessarion, but which one people actually use will depend on the street network and park spaces and site plans that actually get's way too early to tell where the shortcuts will be on the western half of the ParkPlace zone. If you get off at the eastern end of a train at Leslie and walk west again, in some cases you'd be better off getting off at Bessarion. Also, where will all the retail spaces end up getting built? People love passing through a grocery store or a take out restaurant on the way home and that might mean more people going through Bessarion if they build more retail that way. But for A and B, I imagine most people will use Leslie, if only because it's the more obvious station to use and the walk to the subway platform will be quite short once the Canadian Tire connection is built.
Hey guys I got a letter from Concord telling me the closing date has moved from December 2010 to June 2011 for Discovery 1. I was shocked! I drove by it a few times over the last few months and thought things were progressing well??? Why such a big delay? And on a side note, can someone confirm for me if closing date is before or after the move in date? I am worried they will force me to move in to my unit before all the facilities are ready and have me pay rent. Thanks, this is my first time investing in a preconstruction project.
asiancolossus ... your "final" closing only happens after your initial occupacy (aka "interim" closing), which is also when you start paying the occupancy fee/rent ... and more likely than not, when you first move in the recreational amenities will not be ready yet (while you continue to pay occupancy fees/rent)
I received a letter too, but haven't opened it yet. I assume it would be the same letter. These delays are ridiculous. I was just at Ikea on the weekend, the building looked like it was making great progress. This is such a scam - if I was buying this condo as my primary residence, I'd be so screwed by now considering the original closing should've been December of 2009.
I received a letter too, but haven't opened it yet. I assume it would be the same letter. These delays are ridiculous. I was just at Ikea on the weekend, the building looked like it was making great progress. This is such a scam - if I was buying this condo as my primary residence, I'd be so screwed by now considering the original closing should've been December of 2009.

Welcome to the wonderful world of buying a pre-construction condo.
Well, if the Discovery I purchasers are getting this letter now that it's going to be delayed til about June 2011, then I'll assume the Discovery II purchasers will get one a bit later that it will take a few months more after Discovery I is built. (December 2011? or later?). So we're all waiting for another 6 more months from the previously set date - at least.
