Toronto CrystalBlu Condos | ?m | 36s | Bazis | Burka

But they're fabric buildings in a prestige location. So far they look as nice as anything else in the neighbourhood, so I think they're holding their own
wow!... Uptown is looking great and how the white cladding moves closely to the rest of the construction... So we aren't left with alot of bare concrete to rant about!...

Crystal blu looks great but awkward with the cladding up to the half way point... i wanna see how the crystal looks fully blue :)
Yonge-Bloor skyline rising...
Thanks urbandreamer for all the distant shots you supplied us today :).. their really refreshing to see what the whole skyline looks like! (not just individual buildings)!

Keep up the great shots/work/updates :D
I find it hard to believe that Uptown will eventually be taller than CrystalBlu...I've always known it but because it's shorter at present, I'm having a very hard time conceptualizing it, despite having seen those city documents that were posted showing the two of them side-by-side.
I find it hard to believe that Uptown will eventually be taller than CrystalBlu...I've always known it but because it's shorter at present, I'm having a very hard time conceptualizing it, despite having seen those city documents that were posted showing the two of them side-by-side.

I know how you feel... Having looked at a rather short Uptown for some time know... And when compared to Crystal Blu it looks REALLY short!.. But know that Crystal is pretty much done, Uptown is seeking revenge and will dominate once complete... Uptown should be at par with Crystal by Spring!

The day will come... All you have to do is: believe :)
