Senior Member
Whatever I'm just thinking that because the TTC doesn't actually own the line they should treat it separately like they do if you connect from the go train and Metrolinx should be the one's who should deal with that as apparently they know better than everyone else does now because the provincial government told them that they doI believe a fare gate costs about $45K to purchase and install. To break even each fare gate would need to catch 13,900 fare evasions and this doesn't count people who use a child pass or discount pass that clearly don't qualify for one because the fare gate can't validate that information. If everyone and a high volume transfer point needed to tap that would mean a very large number of gate installs. I'm not sure how big the fare evasion issue is (excluding those with child or discount passes the don't qualify for), but unless it is significant there are probably better ways to deal with it. Now if the Metrolinx pushes for fare by distance across all modes with a tap off required, then this additional number of gates might pay for themselves in other ways.