Developer: Aspen Ridge Homes, Lifetime Developments, Context Development, Diamond Corp
Architect: Sweeny &Co Architects Inc., TACT Architecture, Giannone Petricone Associates, Hariri Pontarini Architects, MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects
Address: 844 Don Mills Road, Toronto
Category: Residential (Townhouse, Market-Rate Rental, Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail), Institutional, Public Space / Park
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): N/A
Height: 443 ft / 135.02 mStoreys: 44 storeys
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Toronto Crosstown Community | 135.02m | 44s | Aspen Ridge | Sweeny &Co

overall employment will likely increase as employment space goes from 82,000 square meters of office / manufacturing to 77,000 square meters of just office, which is a much denser employment use. (more jobs per square meter)

That said, I too would appreciate more employment here. Make those 8 floor office buildings 10 or 12 floors, please.
Anyone aware where Celstica is moving their HQ to then ?
They are planning on keeping their HQs at the site. Front page story here.

Thanks for the details ! This area can use the intensification so I think this is a great idea.

I actually hope there is MORE retail and office use though ... this should be able to handle even more density .. maybe something closer to the Buttonville airport project ? I mean this is on a new LRT route plus a fairly frequent Don Mills bus route.
So the LRT stop will be on the western end of the development, in the middle of the naturalized area? I don't quite understand why the proposal wouldn't put most of the residential closer to the station.
What a pleasant surprise waking to see this on the front page today!

Together with the Shops at Don Mills and the LRT, this area of the city is looking to become very interesting. Especially if the other 3 corners of Eglinton/Don Mills are redeveloped.
So the LRT stop will be on the western end of the development, in the middle of the naturalized area? I don't quite understand why the proposal wouldn't put most of the residential closer to the station.

Not sure where you get that from. The LRT stop will be at the southeast corner of this site.

The very west end of Celestica would remain green space, but some people might end up half way between Leslie and Don Mills stops.

Saw this on the reddit thread from someone lamenting about how such an ideal could work with this development site:

After reading through the piece I don't quite agree with everything proposed but can't help but think it would be cool to see a more innovative and less automobile-centric approach to this area than what the proposal's rendering showed. Such an approach would mirror and compliment well with the Shops at Don Mills to the north and would hopefully with the Science Centre and subway access, transform the area to a destination.
What a pleasant surprise waking to see this on the front page today!

Together with the Shops at Don Mills and the LRT, this area of the city is looking to become very interesting. Especially if the other 3 corners of Eglinton/Don Mills are redeveloped.

Don't forget Aga Khan.
I think the city is overly focused on the amount of land dedicated to employment use rather than the total building square footage and number of jobs. This site is gigantic - 24 hectares is 240,000 square metres, equivalent to a square area 490m x 490m. For reference, this is roughly equal to the amount of land located between King/Queen/Osgoode/St.Andrew subway stations! There is simply nowhere near the level of demand for office space in the area that would result in the whole site being redeveloped exclusively as employment lands.

It is interesting that the city has a bigger problem with the condo buildings than they do with the single story retail along the Wynford extension. Those buildings should be mixed use, either office or condo with main floor retail. Single story retail should not equal employment land given the relatively low employment density!
If Celestica is the first domino to fall, rather than a one-off (and is it not naive to think it won't be), then it's time to start thinking about a quick and dirty (and not unreasonably expensive) transit solution on the CPR from DVP-CPR to a UPX style short platform on the east of Union (replacing either wholly or partly the current TTC 144 service). I can think of some ways to get it done, but probably more appropriate to a Transportation thread.
