Toronto Craft Residences | 36m | 9s | Gairloch | BDP Quadrangle

Funny, I've heard quite the opposite. Plenty of general support for this. I live a bit further down on Dupont and will speak to its approval if necessary. I'm sure many others here will as well.
Developers troll this thing like crazy.........get a life sir, i am a lady of truth. the only people who comment on here are developer and their friends........
that is not in dispute, it's just too big big, too much building for the community i hear from my friend and everyone know it and everyone want something done about it

I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and recognize that your concerns and those of your neighbours are valid, but typically creating account for the sake of posting stuff like this is a one way ticket to ban town.

This project is similar in scale to other projects happening in the area (Junction Point, Junction House and Pacific Condos) and is basically exactly what the city is hoping to see along roads like Dundas. If you're concerned, contact your local councillor and make your views known to those who have power to do something about it.
Developers troll this thing like crazy.........get a life sir, i am a lady of truth. the only people who comment on here are developer and their friends........
Is that you, @insomniac? Even if not, you're really coming on a bit strong for a new member. Contrary opinions (even when based on mistruths) are one thing, but you're jumping right into ad hominems.
Developers troll this thing like crazy.........get a life sir, i am a lady of truth. the only people who comment on here are developer and their friends........
Ms. McFly, you are welcome to post your opinion on UrbanToronto, but if you persist in characterizing any opposition to your viewpoint as coming from someone with a vested interest, (you simply cannot know whether there is one or there isn't), then you will lose your privileges on this site. UrbanToronto is a community, and it includes all sorts of viewpoints, but we only allow respectful disagreements to remain up.

that is not in dispute, it's just too big big, too much building for the community i hear from my friend and everyone know it and everyone want something done about it

What is also not in dispute is that it doesn't particularly matter what you hear from your friend, or that a handful of people (which is almost always the actual number of people represented when a NIMBY says "everyone") don't want sensitively scaled developments such as this one. Just because you don't like that reality does not make it not so. That is a statement of fact.

My subjective opinion, on the other hand, is that opposing developments like this is a mean spirited, exclusionary, and selfish practice. I care about that because I care about other people, not because of my profession. And it might behoove you to consider that other people are also just good, welcoming people as well, rather than just blithely assuming and baselessly asserting that people support housing projects for solely monetary reasons.
Ms. McFly has been banned for continuing to post in an aggressive manner that doesn't jibe with our community standards.

back to the revision: obviously the previous one was a Rolls Royce, this one is a Mercedes/BMW. i hope there is no more revision and even if they revise it i hope they don't turn it into a Honda.
Well the latest revision is certainly a change in design from the original submission, but it's still a pretty interesting design that could be executed well with good materials. Gairloch is marketing on the luxury end of the market, so that might be what we see delivered!
Site Plan Approval application submitted:

Development Applications

Updated project description:

BDP Quadrangle: 8 storeys




  • 1619590728556.png
    170.5 KB · Views: 195
Looks good to me. Keeping the general form and design motif of the previous iteration but shifting to an earthier brown tone instead of grey.
Do you think they read our comments on the grey? 😅 Probably they got that feedback elsewhere too. Very happy to see the change! I still kinda liked the original design better, but this one is still good and with the updated colour even better! I feel like the rendering isn't really capturing the texture variation of the brick either (it kinda just looks like flat dark brown), so this will likely look even better when built.
