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Toronto Council Races - 2010

Only one seems to be the constant victim of the media's free speech to get away with slander masked as a news story though.
Only one candidate has as lengthy history of ethical violations, bigoted comments, racist comments and encounters with the police.

It seems to me that Ford is the biggest target.
I got the address wrong because I was citing from a blog page that was debating the Leslie/Eastern location and got June 2009/June 2010 confused in my haste to rebuttal my detractors.

Actually no, you've got every significant aspect (and then some) wrong, and was called out on it - and you refused to admit to your mistakes upon so, continuing to argue that you're right until it has been shown how foolish you'd look if you keep on standing by your mistakes. It is rather telling you chose to conform, even now, to the standard typology I have fleshed out in page 44 of the same thread though - here for your benefit:

Denial, reluctant admission of error, add a bit of "I am human, I make mistakes" confessional, plus the touchy-feely "my heart is in the right place" - sounds like the typical RF apology to me

Interesting, no?

That was not my intention. I don't think that my opinions are superior to anyone elses.

Really? Considering the scorn you've heaping on others (say the socalists) who doesn't share it, I wonder. You may dislike them, but I highly doubt that all socialists are incompetent ideologues out to scam money from the taxpayers as you so claim.

Only one seems to be the constant victim of the media's free speech to get away with slander masked as a news story though.

Really. Is that what Toronto Sun does?

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Of course it's the stupidest thing I've ever posted. I was trying to write in the Toronto Sun's bizarre over-the-top style. It seems the humour is lost on you ...

As for calling Rob Ford bad names. The man is evil personified. He has admitted to abusing people in the past, and there is no doubt he would do so in the future. Anyone who supports such low-life is a fool, and deserves to have their noses rubbed in the mess at their feet.

It was not written to illicit humour. You were dead serious as you've reiterated in this very post that people of a certain political ilk are categorically evil. If he's such a low-life, personification of evil then how come Ward 2 has the fewest complaints of all City Wards according to Fiona Crean's annual Ombudsman report? Not surprisingly Adam Vaughan, Pam McConnell, and Howard Moscoe's Wards have the the highest number of complaints.
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If he's such a low-life, personification of evil then how come Ward 2 has the fewest complaints of all City Wards according to Fiona Crean's annual Ombudsman report

No offense, but if you look at the actual report, it's a range of what, 0 to 25 (not hundreds) incidents, inclusive of enquires, with no indications of wrongdoing by the councillor. In addition, one has to wonder about the geographical nature of the distribution - and whether that is indicative of demographic forces at work.

It was not written to illicit humour. You were dead serious as you've reiterated in this very post that people of a certain political ilk are categorically evil.
My comment that all Sun readers of being evil is humour. Rob Ford however is more than just a Sun reader, I've spent enough time on work sites to know that many Sun readers don't even start reading anything until the sports pages.

If you disagree that those of a certain political ilk (such as racists and bigots like Ford) are not categorically evil, then I guess that makes you a racist and bigot as well. Might as well buy that white hood and join the Tea Party.
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I read 3 Toronto newspapers.
The Post for the erudite columnists and Financial commentary, The Sun for the honest on-the-street opinions it expresses and the Star for the comics, pages and pages of them.
Sorry Globe I have no comment on your paper, I just don't have time for more reading altho I do peek at your website.
Solicit, illicit; tomayto, tomahto

That must have been written before Ford got the recent "You won't hep me buy oxycontin" complaint.

Considering that Dieter Doneit-Henderson is a drug addled wackjob and a likely plant sent by the Smitherman campaign to infiltrate Team Ford; and is presently making a career out of slandering Ford on the Interwebs (check his blog or his comments to Enzo smear peices about Ford on NOW Magazine's website to read for yourself how delusional he sounds), that complaint has about all the credibility of a crampled up, discarded piece of toilet tissue.

Sorry, but this won't derail Ford's campaign. The taxpayers have two things on their mind: LESS SPENDING and LOWER TAXES. A slander job like this just won't stick.
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I don't think it's all that credible either - I'm just saying it probably counts as a complaint.

It's a stupid metric to use when judging councillors. Especially considering that the most notable thing to happen in Ford's ward since he took over is, what, Woodbine Live? And just the preliminary plans for Woodbine Live, at that. People tend not to complain about the status quo.

If you really want to look at support within wards, you'd probably be best to look at voting percentages. And by that metric (in 2006), Giambrone, Pantalone and Bussin are all doing better than Ford.
... I've spent enough time on work sites, to know that many Sun readers, don't even start reading anything until the sports pages ...
What's with, the unnecessary, commas?

I'll give the Sun credit for having a better sports section than the Star, but the Sun isn't the same without old cranks like Lubor J. Zink.
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CFTO reporter Karlene Nation just entered the Ward 19 council race. She says she is running "as a right-of-centre candidate."

Sean McCormick is another on-air personality apparently running as a conservative in Ward 19. His campaign manager also ran Sue-Ann Levy's provincial campaign last fall.
