Hamilton Confederation GO Station | ?m | 1s | Metrolinx

I mean if the trains are more than hourly, maybe. The distance is too short otherwise for it to be worth it without 30 minute frequencies, at a minimum.
Confederation is supposed to be 30 minute service on day 1 from my understanding.
Should only take 15-20 minutes from here to WH, so you could park here, take the train and walk to a Disney on Ice or Art Crawl. Will be pretty convenient.
It's only 9 km between stations so hopefully it's even quicker than 15 minutes for a non-stop service. If the train can average 55 km/h, that trip would be 10 minutes.
It's only 9 km between stations so hopefully it's even quicker than 15 minutes for a non-stop service. If the train can average 55 km/h, that trip would be 10 minutes.
I was trying to be conservative to not be disappointed. They will be leasing tracks from CP, so they also be speed limited by CP for some reason. If it's 10 minutes it would be awesome, as it could be a kind of express transit service from east Hamilton to downtown, while LRT could kind of be "all station stops".
8-10 minutes is fantastic... and even 15 minutes is solid. That's not much more time added to a Hamilton-Toronto commute.

It's fast to get across town as well, I just don't know many would take advantage of it. Confederation is out of the way for a lot of people who aren't driving there. And the area around it isn't dense at all.
8-10 minutes is fantastic... and even 15 minutes is solid. That's not much more time added to a Hamilton-Toronto commute.

It's fast to get across town as well, I just don't know many would take advantage of it. Confederation is out of the way for a lot of people who aren't driving there. And the area around it isn't dense at all.
I'd largely assume anyone taking transit would be good, but if there's a big event downtown, it could be nice to park for free and take the train to West Harbour.
Confederation is supposed to be 30 minute service on day 1 from my understanding.
I would say hourly is a safe bet for opening day. Until West Harbour jumps to half hourly I am being cautious. There should be sufficient capacity on the Canadian National (CN) tracks for half hourly, but who knows with the freight railways.

FYI CN doesn’t speed limit the tracks for no reason. A big issue is all the road/rail crossings between WH and Confederation, which Transport Canada regulates. Thankfully, CN has been upgrading the crossing warning systems (Metrolinx pays) so we should see a speed boost soon.
I would say hourly is a safe bet for opening day. Until West Harbour jumps to half hourly I am being cautious. There should be sufficient capacity on the Canadian National (CN) tracks for half hourly, but who knows with the freight railways.

FYI CN doesn’t speed limit the tracks for no reason. A big issue is all the road/rail crossings between WH and Confederation, which Transport Canada regulates. Thankfully, CN has been upgrading the crossing warning systems (Metrolinx pays) so we should see a speed boost soon.
It's supposed to be half hourly according to information about the project.

I've heard WH will be 30 minute prior to it opening even. I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen right before the election is called. DoFo wants some good will in Hamilton. Improved transit and concrete movement on LRT would do that.
Anyone know how that track extension at West Harbour is going?
Last photo I took. Flattened Rock tells me they're close to laying the track bed as underground work is likely complete:
It's supposed to be half hourly according to information about the project.
I would be surprised, as I've never seen half hourly quoted publicly anywhere, nor in GO's long-term service plans. Can you point me to where you saw that?

The official MX site says: "Confederation GO Station will bring us one step closer to a more connected Greater Toronto and Hamilton Region, and will support more weekday rush-hour service, giving everyone new options to move". I assume that's a comms holding line, because hourly is very doable.
I would be surprised, as I've never seen half hourly quoted publicly anywhere, nor in GO's long-term service plans. Can you point me to where you saw that?

The official MX site says: "Confederation GO Station will bring us one step closer to a more connected Greater Toronto and Hamilton Region, and will support more weekday rush-hour service, giving everyone new options to move". I assume that's a comms holding line, because hourly is very doable.
Yeah I can't find any official mention of it anywhere. The only place I see a mention of 30 minute service on a google search on day 1 is from Ritsman lol
IIRC the business case for the Niagara GO expansion had identified all-day service to Confederation.

30-minute service has only ever been rumoured for WH, with no formal documentation from Metrolinx. If it does happen, they may extend it to Confederation, but we'll see.
