Toronto Clear Spirit | 131.36m | 40s | Cityscape | a—A

Thank you that's really nice to say :) I guess I just love TO.

The amount of new construction is unreal, when you think about it. Anyone who loves construction (or wanted to be a construction worker as a kid!) is peeing their pants now. It's like the entire City is getting a makeover. I got excited last night reading about Front Street reconstruction from Jarvis to Parliament this year with new streetlights and planters ahead of Pan Am. It's easy to be negative and find faults and problems in the City, anyone can do that...but there is a ton to be very proud of here. We shouldn't be humble about promoting our City to others.

What I love about New Yorkers is that, even if they immigrated to NYC just a few days ago, they are proud to say that they are from New York.

I find people in Toronto are now doing the same :)
9 March 2013: Different POV:

Not sure if this has been posted previously in this thread. Images of Claude Cormier's landscaping plan for the new towers and the "ribbon building." Of particular note - at the bottom of the Cormier web page is an image of a brick underpass at Trinity Street under the tracks leading to a waterfront connection. Also on the page is an image of a waterfront "Trinity Square" and the proposed location of "Whiskey Beach" - the third waterfront beach. Check it out.
Not sure if this has been posted previously in this thread. Images of Claude Cormier's landscaping plan for the new towers and the "ribbon building." Of particular note - at the bottom of the Cormier web page is an image of a brick underpass at Trinity Street under the tracks leading to a waterfront connection. Also on the page is an image of a waterfront "Trinity Square" and the proposed location of "Whiskey Beach" - the third waterfront beach. Check it out.

This has certainly been mentioned - I think in connection with the earlier Port Lands plans - but I do not think I had ever seen the images. Certainly the City is requiring that it be POSSIBLE to extend Trinity (probably only for bikes and pedestrians) through under the rail berm but it will not be cheap to do and I will be amazed if it ever happens, which is too bad. The first priority for getting through the berm is the new (or larger) opening at Cherry Street so that streetcars can reach Queen's Quay.
That's very intriguing! I'd never heard of that plan before, but it would be fantastic in addition with changes to the south.

Sadly, I doubt we'll see this in the near or medium term.
Let's hope for medium term :) With Cityzen's planned Cherry Street development immediately south of the DD, they will want to have the Trinity St pedestrian/bike underpass to connect with their new neighbourhood. Exciting times here. I've taken lots of photos just so I can (hopefully) look back and see the amazing changes that did occur.
It and the Gooderham are going to make quite the striking pair.

Looking at that last picture, it is amazing how much of an impact Market Warf has from this vantage point. I looks like it is a 170m tower when viewed from the Distillery District/ Don Lands area.
So I've been in this building since February 1st. There are a few of us living in it and we see people slowly moving in. I am so glad I moved into the DD. The area makes me feel good about getting up in the morning, seeing development and people walking about. I really hope my husband and I stay here for awhile because we have really fallen in love with this area of Toronto and can't wait to explore it some more.

The construction ont he building seems to be moving a little slow (the unfinished hallways, ammenities, main floor lounge, etc.) but it could just be my perception. The only thing that currently is bothering me is the closed balanconies which is fine for now since it's still cold but once it starts to warm up, and the air conditioner hasn't been turned on, and I have no other windows in my unit, it might get a little sketchy.

I'm sharing Tocondogarden's positive sentiments on this one though and I'm looking forward to the further development of the area.
I'm sharing Tocondogarden's positive sentiments on this one though and I'm looking forward to the further development of the area.

Awww thanks :) And congrats! It's an amazing area and ONLY getting better.

Also, I recall being one of the first residents in a brand new building and it was very eerie seeing no one, except construction workers lol. Magically, all the finishes do get completed. It really is better to have people move in first, then complete hallways and elevators. It may look like crap for a bit, but that way they aren't damaged with so many people moving at the same time.

A LOT of us on UT love construction photography and seeing the views from people's units, especially if they peak into other construction sites!! if you have a camera, we'd love for you to post any pics that you'd like to share! p.s. And you don't have to be a professional photographer...I am not...
It appears the Gooderham is having the last floor poured. I'm surprised how fast this has gone up - it felt like ages watching Clear Spirit rise, yet the 2 months I've lived here, Gooderham has sprouted day after day.

I"ll try to get some more pics posted soon. :)
It appears the Gooderham is having the last floor poured. I'm surprised how fast this has gone up - it felt like ages watching Clear Spirit rise, yet the 2 months I've lived here, Gooderham has sprouted day after day.

I"ll try to get some more pics posted soon. :)

It's seems to me that The Gooderham has a couple more floors to go yet, at least judging from the recent photos posted here and from my personal observation from the ground (it's supposed to be only 4 floors shorter than Clear Spirit at its peak). However, you may be correct. I am anxious to see the glazing and balcony glass.
