Toronto CityPlace Puente de Luz Bridge | ?m | ?s | Concord Adex | Francisco Gazitua

It is not a suicide barrier. It's actually required by GO because they dont want stuff thrown onto their trains.
Its absolutely ridiculous because at Blue Jays Way, Spadina and Bathurst crossings, you could throw whatever you want. Everyone involved in this design was quite spineless against GO.
Explain to me why we need a suicide net on this bridge, but not on the Spadina or Bathurst bridge right beside it? Seriously. Why?

Think it might be more of a safety thing. Since it is being labelled a cyclist bridge I expect people to be able to ride in it - measures to prevent cyclists from flying out of the structure if they fall is a good thing.

Edit: Actually, looking at the pics above it seems well out of order. Looks like it won't be pleasant at all to walk through.
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I'm not sure what the point of the outer railing is if the mesh is to catch falling cyclists/pedestrians. As for being able to throw things, it looks like that would still be possible from the ends of the bridge.
It's actually required by GO because they dont want stuff thrown onto their trains. Its absolutely ridiculous because at Blue Jays Way, Spadina and Bathurst crossings, you could throw whatever you want. E

I'm going to throw stuff onto the GO tracks on my way home across the Spadina bridge tonight and every night from now on in protest.
I believe it was a stipulation of the over-zealous bureaucrats at GO (or Metrolinx?). They didn't want a bridge at all but when push came to shove they plastered their approval with all kinds of stipulations. This and the stingy people at Concord are how the bridge came to be what it is.
I believe it was a stipulation of the over-zealous bureaucrats at GO (or Metrolinx?). They didn't want a bridge at all but when push came to shove they plastered their approval with all kinds of stipulations. This and the stingy people at Concord are how the bridge came to be what it is.

What bothers you about the bridge apart from the lack of stairs and this awful netting?

With 2 sets of stairs and without that mesh I think it's a perfectly nice picturesque and fun bridge. You may subjectively dislike the artistic component to the bridge (the yellow colour and whatnot) but I and many others I know are quite fond of it.
You're absolutely right... apart from the colour, the artistic add ons, the suicide netting and the huge ramps at either end... it's a gorgeous bridge. :D
You're absolutely right... apart from the colour, the artistic add ons, the suicide netting and the huge ramps at either end... it's a gorgeous bridge. :D

I don't see what's wrong with the colour, ramps, or the artistic add-ons. Just the netting and lack of stairs bother me.
What bothers you about the bridge apart from the lack of stairs and this awful netting?

With 2 sets of stairs and without that mesh I think it's a perfectly nice picturesque and fun bridge. You may subjectively dislike the artistic component to the bridge (the yellow colour and whatnot) but I and many others I know are quite fond of it.

The alignment of the bridge is it's biggest shortcoming. As stated previously, bridge should be aligned with Portland with direct stair access, ramps off to the side.

The experience of the bridge was intended to be that of being led to the waterfront with distand views of the lake, the Portland Slip and grain silos. As it is you walk into a cityplace wall. It's so utterly stupid that nobody figured this out. And once again, the argument that the bridge had to be positioned where it is is complete rubbish. The location was led by the slope of the ramp and meeting grade at Portland, and the complete lack of imagination of all parties involved.
The alignment of the bridge is it's biggest shortcoming. As stated previously, bridge should be aligned with Portland with direct stair access, ramps off to the side.

The experience of the bridge was intended to be that of being led to the waterfront with distand views of the lake, the Portland Slip and grain silos. As it is you walk into a cityplace wall. It's so utterly stupid that nobody figured this out. And once again, the argument that the bridge had to be positioned where it is is complete rubbish. The location was led by the slope of the ramp and meeting grade at Portland, and the complete lack of imagination of all parties involved.

I see what you are saying.

I'm not sure you would have been able to see much of the lake (the Gardiner takes care of that), but walking towards an open street would have no doubt been preferable.

I'll reserve my judgement until I've used it a few times. While it could have been so much more, it could still prove to be a lifesaver and valuable link from King West to the waterfront.
Talking about crap for things, the crap screening going up on the bridge is a joke.

When shooting the Fly last week, I noticed crews working on the bridge. Since I had a few hours before a meeting on Wed, I took a look to see what was going on.

The Feds wants suicide protection on the bridge and that is a joke considering anyone can do it now at either the Bathurst or Spadina bridges, let along any bridge going over the tracks today.

Was this not known during the design stage and if so, why was it not built in with a better design at the design stage? I saw better and cheaper design in Europe than this crap, sorry to say.

New high footing for street light post are being built on Front St in front of the bridge.

You can walk up to the bridge ramp area on the south side, but not on the ramp.

The official opening is supposed to take place Oct 15, but it will not be known until next week at the earliest when the bridge will be open to the public.

Some good wire cutters will cut an opening in the mesh very fast.
The official opening is supposed to take place Oct 15, but it will not be known until next week at the earliest when the bridge will be open to the public.

I seem to remember it was nearly a year ago that we watched the bridge being lifted into place. They sure are taking their sweet time with this one.

So they're going to have a ceremonial opening, but the bridge still won't be open to the public at that point? Geeze, this is taking forever.
BTW, here's the south side of where the bridge opens out to. They could easily open up Fort York Blvd Westbound to vehicular traffic if they just took down those fences.

It's barely a construction zone anymore (where the road is) they could move all their construction equipment over to the north side of the road on the sidewalk etc and open the road for traffic.

Soon I hope.

