Toronto CIBC SQUARE | 241.39m | 50s | Hines | WilkinsonEyre

  • Thread starter Suicidal Gingerbread Man
  • Start date

They mentioned Transportation projects would get the go-ahead. Hopefully that means the podium can be finished but I suspect this won't be climbing any higher for a bit...
So under the current direction, above-ground residential builds get to proceed but commercial ones do not?
Yup! There are sites, both commercial and residential, where significant steps were taken to ensure physical distancing, sanitizing, etc. and where some work could still be performed. You cant have workers pulling together on formwork in close proximity but a lot of other work could take place be it commercial or residential eg. excavation (everyone is in a vehicle) or interior electrical/ plumbing or trim work that doesn't require guys working in close proximity.

There are also sites both residential and commercial/industrial that got shut down because they didnt. It's either favouritism from the government to the res industry or if we percieve a risk to workers as the reason for the shutdown, I don't see why lives of workers on residential sites are less valuable than those of commercial/ici. The measures should have been universally applicable (save for hospitals etc where distancing can be practiced)
It is true, despite a worker testing positive for Covid-19 on Saturday the Ministry of Labour deemed the site essential yesterday.

I used to be proud to say I worked for Ellis Don. They’ve really shown their true colours with this pandemic. Safety first quickly became profit first, I guess I was just drinking the cool aid.. Unfortunately their is going to be more positive cases on site. I just hope it is the old angry grump who runs the job, not one of my friends.
