Toronto CIBC SQUARE | 241.39m | 50s | Hines | WilkinsonEyre

  • Thread starter Suicidal Gingerbread Man
  • Start date
By the sounds of it they are planning a single tower with the residential on top of office floors. these people would likely be over 200m away from the said bus terminal.
Something around 250 metres seems realistic. I hope that they continue the strong streetwall along the east side of Bay, rather than setting the tower at the back of the site.
By the sounds of it they are planning a single tower with the residential on top of office floors. these people would likely be over 200m away from the said bus terminal.

You'd still be entering and exiting your building in the general vicinity of dozens of incoming/outgoing coach buses and the diesel fumes associated with them. I suppose they could try putting the bus exit out onto Lake Shore and the residential/office onto Bay, but I imagine they'd both have to be on Bay and thus somewhat close together.

I really hope they keep this strictly for office.
You'd still be entering and exiting your building in the general vicinity of dozens of incoming/outgoing coach buses and the diesel fumes associated with them. I suppose they could try putting the bus exit out onto Lake Shore and the residential/office onto Bay, but I imagine they'd both have to be on Bay and thus somewhat close together.

I really hope they keep this strictly for office.

I dont get why you would care? one persons junk is another persons treasure.. SOmeone else might see the oppertunity to live so close to downtown and transit as a asset. If you dont, then dont buy. Isnt it really that simple? As for me Id be happy if people move in.. Im all about density.
You'd still be entering and exiting your building in the general vicinity of dozens of incoming/outgoing coach buses and the diesel fumes associated with them. I suppose they could try putting the bus exit out onto Lake Shore and the residential/office onto Bay, but I imagine they'd both have to be on Bay and thus somewhat close together.

I really hope they keep this strictly for office.

Hopefully it would have a PATH connection that would mitigate some of that, but I do agree that living on top of a bus terminal, even if there's 40 stories of office space in between, isn't the most appealing thing, despite the awesome views.
I dont get why you would care? one persons junk is another persons treasure.. SOmeone else might see the oppertunity to live so close to downtown and transit as a asset. If you dont, then dont buy. Isnt it really that simple? As for me Id be happy if people move in.. Im all about density.

Why does one care about anything we discuss? ... Developer putting up a steaming pile somewhere in the city? Well just shut up about it and don't buy there.

I'm all for density, and I think a bus terminal located nearer to Union would be a vast improvement, and am thus in favour of a new terminal here under a large office building. I'm simply trying to point out a very salient downside to actually living there. I also just have the suspicion that if given the green light to include residential that the office component will suddenly become simply a token gesture.
Why does one care about anything we discuss? ... Developer putting up a steaming pile somewhere in the city? Well just shut up about it and don't buy there.

I'm all for density, and I think a bus terminal located nearer to Union would be a vast improvement, and am thus in favour of a new terminal here under a large office building. I'm simply trying to point out a very salient downside to actually living there.

I agree an officer tower overtop the bus terminal is the way to go its one of the last spots down there for this
Hey, this is really exciting news. I think it's safe to say what ever is built it will be big, as for living over a bus terminal, so? I've lived right beside the current bus terminal and you don't even notice it, besides, if you're worried about vehicular traffic, I'd be more concerned with the Gardener right beside it, if that's a concern, then why would you even consider living at 45 Bay? Can't wait to see the proposal they come up with, any of you professionals out there have any idea if/when that's going to happen? Cheers all!
Ivanhoe Cambridge to make a splash on Bay

"Notably absent in the downtown Toronto market, Ivanhoe Cambridge is looking to make a splash over its Bay St. site by holding an “international design competition†towards the development of a mixed-use tower, a top company executive tells me"

"Cambridge is looking at two million square feet of office and possibly commercial space for its 45 Bay St. site near the Air Canada Centre"
Ivanhoe Cambridge to make a splash on Bay

"Notably absent in the downtown Toronto market, Ivanhoe Cambridge is looking to make a splash over its Bay St. site by holding an “international design competition” towards the development of a mixed-use tower, a top company executive tells me"

"Cambridge is looking at two million square feet of office and possibly commercial space for its 45 Bay St. site near the Air Canada Centre"

Could be the best Christmas present yet!
Ivanhoe Cambridge to make a splash on Bay

"Notably absent in the downtown Toronto market, Ivanhoe Cambridge is looking to make a splash over its Bay St. site by holding an “international design competition” towards the development of a mixed-use tower, a top company executive tells me"

"Cambridge is looking at two million square feet of office and possibly commercial space for its 45 Bay St. site near the Air Canada Centre"

The story mentions "A mixed-use tower", implying that there will be a single tower rather than two or more towers on the site.

2.3 acres is almost exactly 100,000 square feet. Of course the building floorplate itself is unlikely to use more than half of that (to allow for a podium, road access, setbacks, etc.) or less than one-fifth of that -- so a floorplate of between 20,000 square feet and 50,000 square feet is likely. For a two million square foot total, and assuming no taper of the building with height, that means between 40 and 100 storys. At 4m per story for an office building, that's a total height not counting roof elements, mechanical floors or extra-height podium floors of between 160m and 400m.

If Ivanhoe Cambridge is going to hold an international design competition, then the resulting design is likely to be dramatic and relatively slender (or at least not bulky) for its height, so a supertall is a distinct possibility, in my opinion. So if Oxford Place and the Toronto Star developments go ahead, we could be seeing no less than four supertalls south of the Gardiner. The Toronto Islands view would be dramatically transformed from what it is now, in that event.
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