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Toronto/Chicago comparisons

You're way offside on the size comparison, comparing Chicagoland (analagous to the GTA) with the City Proper Toronto (ie, excluding the GTA).

Toronto's City Proper / Metro Region size of 2.6 million / 5.6 million (2011, Statistics Canada). Chicago's City/Metro size is 2.7 million/ 9.5 million. So the City Proper size is comparable, but Chicago has bigger suburbs.

I think 8.2M refers to New York City, not Chicago.
WE need a DRL, yes, but not a subway down Queen Street. Building one would suck the life out of it completely, and disrupt it utterly.

You speak too much sense. You must be an anti-development communist. People adapt to everything, don't you know?

Re: Chicago and crime:

I don't think you could reach the absurd levels of crime there without the ruling elites being careless and even incompetent. I would be thoroughly ashamed of living in a city as ethnically segregated as Chicago - but generations of people have opted to maintain that status quo.
You're way offside on the size comparison, comparing Chicagoland (analagous to the GTA) with the City Proper Toronto (ie, excluding the GTA).
What are you talking about? I haven't compared Chicagoland to anything. I compared London to New York City. London to Toronto, and Toronto to New York City.

Toronto's City Proper / Metro Region size of 2.6 million / 5.6 million (2011, Statistics Canada). Chicago's City/Metro size is 2.7 million/ 9.5 million. So the City Proper size is comparable, but Chicago has bigger suburbs.
What has that got to do with my post?
What are you talking about? I haven't compared Chicagoland to anything. I compared London to New York City. London to Toronto, and Toronto to New York City.

What has that got to do with my post?

I thought the 8.2m figure was referring to Chicago. Your post was unclear. I've already apologized (see my post at the top of this page). I would ask that you chill.
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Chicago is very dangerous... Toronto is much safer. But's that's all Toronto really has on Chicago. Everything else is a tie or edge to both cities. I.E multiculturalism to toronto and the waterfront to the chi city

Not fair to say it is a tie.
We may not want to admit it, but clearly Chicago in general is still a much bigger, wealthier and powerful city than Toronto. Much better architecture. Let's not pretend waterfront is the only thing Chicago has over us.
But both have their edges for sure. Toronto's downtown, although not as pretty, is more livable and feel more like a community. We beat Chicago by 1 mile in terms of safety.
I thought the 8.2m figure was referring to Chicago. Your post was unclear. I've already apologized (see my post at the top of this page). I would ask that you chill.
Chill about what? I simply politely queried what you were talking about, and explained what I'd compared.
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... Chicago in general is still a much bigger, wealthier and powerful city than Toronto. Much better architecture.
Better architecture? Are we just counting a very small area of downtown here?

Much bigger? The Chicago Metropolitan Area is over 28,000*km² with a population of about 9.7 million. It's a vast area, including a lot of rural land, stretching into Indiana and Wisconsin, and as far southeast in Illinois as LaSalle ... which is miles and miles of farm fields from Chicago, and is closer to Iowa than Chicago.

The nearest geographical equivalent for Toronto is the Greater Golden Horseshoe, which is a similiar size at 31,600*km² and a population of 8.8 million.

So bigger. Yes, Chicago is bigger. Much bigger? No.

Look also at population growth. That 9.7 million (Chicago 2010) has grown only 1.6 million from 8.1 million in 40 years. Toronto's 8.8 million (2011) has grown 0.7 million from 8.1 million in 5 years, and is forecast to grow to 11.5 million in the next 20.
Not fair to say it is a tie.
We may not want to admit it, but clearly Chicago in general is still a much bigger, wealthier and powerful city than Toronto. Much better architecture. Let's not pretend waterfront is the only thing Chicago has over us.
But both have their edges for sure. Toronto's downtown, although not as pretty, is more livable and feel more like a community. We beat Chicago by 1 mile in terms of safety.
I just wanted not to get chewed out lol
Chicago is not that much wealthier or more powerful than Toronto, but the gross inequality of their income distribution and their segregated neighbourhoods would have you think so.

As well as their architectural heritage as one of the most important cities in the world by far.
Chicago is not that much wealthier or more powerful than Toronto, but the gross inequality of their income distribution and their segregated neighbourhoods would have you think so.

As well as their architectural heritage as one of the most important cities in the world by far.
Toronto should be more richer, being that it's number one in it's country but it's not. The economic output is also much less then Chicago as well.
You are right regarding economic output, but the problem with the likes of Toronto and other large Canadian cities is that we are pretty much de facto keeping very unproductive regions afloat. The rate at which the Canadian and Ontario governments take money away from Torontonians and spend it elsewhere is shocking. Our city would look very differently if we were allowed to keep more of our money within it.
You are right regarding economic output, but the problem with the likes of Toronto and other large Canadian cities is that we are pretty much de facto keeping very unproductive regions afloat. The rate at which the Canadian and Ontario governments take money away from Torontonians and spend it elsewhere is shocking. Our city would look very differently if we were allowed to keep more of our money within it.

I would love to see your calculations regarding that point.
Chicago has more and better tourist attractions/museums/art galleries, which it markets much better than we do in Toronto. We still don't take tourism very seriously. It also has better historic districts, with very impressive buildings. Chicago seems to have a whole lot of collages/universities. I was surprised how many there were, although some of them seemed quite small. Chicago people seem to be very proud of their city (even the bad parts) and wear their hearts on their sleeves, while in Toronto, we seem too embarrassed to even admit we like the place. No city is as hard on itself as Toronto but with all the anti-Toronto stupidity we have to deal with (across Canada) I guess that's not surprising. Those are some of the things I've noticed.
Chicago people seem to be very proud of their city (even the bad parts)...
Okay ... let's stop it there.

The Chicogans (is that what you call them) I know have been deeply ashamed when they had to warn me not to take the subway through certain parts of town, because of they physical danger of being on the train there if not part of the right ethnic group.

Better tourist attractions/museums is all fine ... but it hardly effects the day-to-day lives of the people who live there. Neither does the architecture of a very small part of town. The architecture I've seen there has been from dull 1920s suburban sprawl (and little sign of the kind of refreshment to these areas that we see in Toronto) to really ugly unwalkable and unlivable modern surburban sprawl. There's parts of town where there are literally vacant lots, because the original housing has been knocked down and no one wants to live there.

Whatever advantage they might get, for a bit better architecture in a small part of downtown, and a few more museums (so you say, I've never visited one when I travel there on business) is quickly lost when you look at the entire city, rather than an isolated pocket where the tourists go.
