Toronto Centro Condos | ?m | 31s | Henderson | IBI Group

^Again, thanks for the pic.

I think the "employment lands" around SCC can also be used for education. Perhaps existing higher education institutions in Scarborough (Centennial College or UTSC) should build some buildings in SCC, which would save some of their students a bus ride from Scarborough Centre to get to school.

I definitely agree, it would certainly develop towards a more 'balanced' community. I know zoning by-laws of various municipalities have a general provision for public facilities to be able to developed on any lands regardless of zoning. Education facilities should be included to be within that provision...oh well.

Going off topic a would be nice for higher education institutions be located in centralized location. I mean, what is the point of a 'UNI'versity for instance if there are satellite campuses of an insitution all across the GTA...? (UTSC being one of the exception of course as it is a pretty big campus on to itself).
October 11 2008 update

I must say the setting for this building is very nice nonetheless


Looking south

Looking north
Future SCC Cluster ?

since there isn't much activity lately in SCC threads ... here's a little something ~ ;)

thanks to Wylie's great SketchUp models, you can really see how jammed it will be in this one area of SCC when Monarch's EQ1+EQ2+Red and Henderson's Centro are all built ~



Those renderings remind me of something: am I a horrible person for wanting to see most of the woodlots along Borough Drive razed and developed? Density (and I mean physical closeness of structures occupying more space, not ppl/area ratios) is desperately needed in suburban nodes like STC but the parking lots in the north and the woodlots in the south almost totally obliterate whatever glimmers of non-suburbanity STC has pretensions of attaining.
No you're not, Scarberian, as long as everything proposed for the woodlot site has a green roof. Also, you'll have to find something else in Scarborough to name after its last mayor before you can chop down Frank Faubert Forest.

Borough Drive could turn into a nice urban boulevard with development on both sides. Right now with condos on only one side of the street at any one point it resembles another "failed" SCC boulevard... Corporate Drive.
So what if the southern edge of SCC never becomes urban? We have so few remaining woodlots in the GTA that they shouldn't be seen as expendable: the construction of a green roof does not make up for the destruction of a green floor. Why should this piece of Scarborough go treeless exactly?

Yeah, I agree, there's already lots of underutilized land there, single family homes and of course parking lots.
There is so much underutilized space in the surrounding areas, that it would be a real shame to raze what is left of that woodlot.
And honestly: if you gotta raze the woodlot, you might as well advocate razing Moriyama's Civic Centre as well.

Urbanization need not involve kneejerk anti-suburbanization.
The woodlots wouldn't all need to be razed (there's more than one), but they do help compromise STC's urbanity. You can't just build condos a km away to compensate. This assumes, of course, that anyone actually wants STC to become urban and not just built out. I wouldn't be opposed to some of the woodlots being developed if they're sacrificed to an urban STC (a nice urban boulevard, as wyliepoon mentioned)...I'm not suggesting it so that Tridel can add another notch to its bedpost or so the STC secondary area can reach arbitrary residential density targets.

edit - adma: it's your response that's kneejerk, not my suggestion. Somewhere along the way the woodlot "pads" along Borough Drive reached a point where some of them were developed and some of them weren't and someone said "stop!" and froze what was left of them in place. Unless Moriyama's original plan for the area (if his was the first comprehensive plan) included these specific woodlots (and not just any old woodlots), questioning if more developments should take place is entirely valid. As if my stance is as anti-suburb as 'kill the detached houses and parking lots and save only the trees,' anyway...
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IMO there's a strip plaza on the south side of Ellesmere across the street from the woodlot that would be ideal for densification.

Shadows shouldn't be an issue since it's on the south side of a 6-lane road with the woodlot on the north.

Plenty of commercial/industrial lands around Midland Ave / Ellesmere Rd / Markham Rd / Sheppard Ave corridor.
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