Toronto Celsius Condo | ?m | 18s | Shiu Pong | Kirkor Architects

from today

Bye bye big mature trees, hello little stick trees. With this project coming through, it will finally be the final push to connect the two sections of Beecroft road together.
Ugh, Kirkor. I'd rather stare directly into the sun than look at any of their buildings for more than 30 seconds. Quite possibly the most embarrassing firm designing Toronto highrises.
Ugh, Kirkor. I'd rather stare directly into the sun than look at any of their buildings for more than 30 seconds. Quite possibly the most embarrassing firm designing Toronto highrises.

Haha. Well said. Regrettably I'd have to say I agree. In fact I only looked at this thread out of morbid curiosity, to see what Kirkor's latest blight was going to look like.
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You should see Kirkor's head office. I work directly across from it and I was shocked the first time I noticed it. It's an absolute embarrassment and I'm amazed that they still get hired based on it alone.
Aren't there a lot of developers in that area ? Tridel has there HQ very nearby as well.
Was by here yesterday - looks like shoring equipment is starting to arrive on the Celsius site.
May 11
Boy that didn't take long to get the shoring in place considering there wasn't anything on site 2 months ago.

Monarch is using 77 Canterbury Place as their construction office for this project.





I like to see this sort of development extending west from Yonge - right now its all localized at street level but I'm glad to see theyre pushing out east /west.

I just wish the same could happen on the east side of Doris ave.
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April 17
Part of this development is moving to the 2nd floor while the rest is getting to grade.

