Toronto Casa II Condos | 184.09m | 56s | Cresford | a—A

I think the standard procedure is to start selling based on X number of floors, before getting City approvals. If the City eventually approves that height, no problem. If the City (as it usually does) says that it's too tall, then the developer goes to the OMB and probably gets the original height (or, if sales are not so good, makes a pre-OMB deal with the City for a lesser reduction in height that still accommodates the existing sales).
Surely a developer doesn't just arbitrarily decide to throw up a 40 or 60 storey building and start selling. I'm sure that they've entered into preliminary discussions with the planning department and have received some kind of feedback that gives them an indication that they might get somewhere in the neighbourhood of height (levels) that they are hoping for. Perhaps the top 20 or 30 floors won't be sold until they have something more formal from the City then they can move ahead with selling those floors. Just a thought.
still dont know why they are trying to cram this thing in so tightly here... I can only imagine it looking silly and high percentages of people in this and neighbouring buildings end up with no view. If they want to build at Y&B, its too bad they werent talking about the southwest corner, the last to go highrise.
Does anyone have anymore info to this new project? Besides that it might be called the Casa 2 is a Missoni design and should be going on sale in April. What will make it better than the chez on charles across the street from it?
It is supposed to be launched tomorrow, so I would expect that more information, such as its official height and perhaps a render, should be revealed at that time.
It doesn't get any mention on their website.

In fact, Cresford are the only people who have said nothing to date. All the hype and talk has come from others - not Cresford.

Maybe the whole thing is a "red herring".
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We mentioned that the land was sold to Cresford, and passed on info on the 64-storey height that a realtor brought to my attention. I have made requests to my contacts at Cresford and received no response! We are as much in the loop as everyone else on this forum.

But I appreciate the praise!
dah de dum seen a render? :D

CASA 2??

