Toronto Casa | 147.52m | 46s | Cresford | a—A

Looks good.

Perhaps someone who knows more about glass than I could explain why the reflections in it are so distorted?

Would it be because the panels next to the ones installed are not there yet to balance the pressure caused by the glass stops? the answer to come in less than a week judging by the pace they seem to be going at.

You guys should also know that you witnessed something pretty rare ie a derek taking down the crane and then a smaller derek to take down the big derek, as shown on drum118 pictures on page 114. So how do they take down the small derek? ;)

Derek's this guy I know.

It's just a phone camera, but from the pics taken, this lobby is going to be a spectacular introduction to a very elegant building.




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Saw the lobby glass in person this morning. Simply beautiful!

How much glass was up this morning CASAGUY? I went buy yesterday evening and took some pics with my SLR but I got beat posting them on here. They'd finished another column when I took my pics but more less the same as the other pics posted so I'm not gonna bother posting mine.
My thinking is that with Occupancies scheduled to start just 6 weeks away...they want to get all the glass up for the lobby for this open house thing on Saturday. Once the lobby is secure as in the glass is all done etc. they can probably start bringing people in for their pre-occupancy inspections. Who knows they may already start booking people to come see their units a couple weeks from now...I guess we'll know on Saturday morning.
Lobby Glass Update, Oct. 15th

More panels went up today, I'm surprised they got as much done as they did considering the high winds downtown this morning and afternoon. Under overcast skies today the slight green tint in the window panels become more evident.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

They also tore up the laneway on the east side of the building today.

Oct. 16th Update

If I counted correctly, 13 lines of glass have been installed and 13 lines remain (including the lobby's east and west facing lines). Weather and supply permitting, this should be completed by next Friday

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

