Toronto Casa | 147.52m | 46s | Cresford | a—A

If you look at the first pic, on the southwest corner, you can see that folks on the 7th and 8th floor have joined two units together.

I doubt that is what you are seeing. The joining of two units would not change the base structure of the building. The concrete shear walls would stay the same while the interior partitions could be reconfigured, even plumbing stacks cannot be moved. Obviously too early to see any of that.
^I'm not sure I understand your logic. The walls between two separate units have a "doorway" thus creating the possibility of joining the two units. Looking over the plans for the building, there is no plumbing in this spot. You can clearly see this doorway in the below pic, top right corner.

Cresford has begun advertising Casa again... they haven't done this for quite a while. This is a 3/4 page ad in today's Globe and Mail. They've been saying 70% sold for at least 2 years now. I'm sure this will start to change as the tower grows taller and taller.

Strange that they went to the trouble of faking a night skyline out of the model suite windows, but they didn't remove that slender drywall panel behind the couch (which won't be there in reality).

I don't know about that. Looks more like Bay and Bloor to me (or possibly a little bit south of that).
Look again, it has a view looking southeast. The CN Tower and Skydome are west of Bay, and the alignment of FCP, Scotia and CCW indicate that this view is nearly straight west of them and slightly north.
Look again, it has a view looking southeast. The CN Tower and Skydome are west of Bay, and the alignment of FCP, Scotia and CCW indicate that this view is nearly straight west of them and slightly north.

Could be Robarts library at UofT... :)
The shot is taken west of Skydome, Robarts is pretty much directly north of Skydome. It might not be right at Bathurst, but mid-block between bathurst and Spadina

I don't know what you guys are talking about, but that view from Casa is bang on - you can even see the view down Yonge Street and the Marriott at Yonge & Alexander is right there. So it's a very accurate view.
I don't know what you guys are talking about, but that view from Casa is bang on - you can even see the view down Yonge Street and the Marriott at Yonge & Alexander is right there. So it's a very accurate view.

WOw, who wants any of the stuff I'm smoking? haha What I thought was the 'Dome, was a lamp shade, which I used as my main point of orientation. F*&^, I'm retarded today. My apologies to those that I tried to correct
