Toronto Casa | 147.52m | 46s | Cresford | a—A

poor souls?

Got back from that all you can eat japanese restaurant which is beside Casa and the Sanctuary (this was about 2 weeks ago)... some bum wearing a dog mask (yes a halloween dog mask) was standing outside waving a frying pan in one hand and a hat in another, trying to get some money from the people walking around and the cars on that road.

In 25 years of living in this area I've never seen anything like this type of incident, this is highly unusual. If your suggesting he was aggressive or a threat, did you call the police?

Re: balcony widths, it's hard to tell from a distance. I wouldn't get too concerned about it, if the depths are shortened a bit that will suck, but there's not much that can be done about it.
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In 25 years of living in this area I've never seen anything like this type of incident, this is highly unusual. If your suggesting he was aggressive or a threat, did you called the police?

Re: balcony widths, it's hard to tell from a distance. I wouldn't get too concerned about it, if the depths are shortened a bit that will suck, but there's not much that can be done about it.

You're right - the building will be amazing regardless - but we were (verbally) promised 5 ft
You're right - the building will be amazing

Agreed! This is one of my favorate projects right now.

Another newer building in the area (shall remain nameless) was to have 6' balcony depths as illustrated on the floorplans, which of course are not a legal documents. Unfortunately the balconies were reduced to 5 1/2 feet. Still generous sized balconies, like Casa.
I was recently at a friend's apt. in 555 Sherbourne. Their balconies in that rental tower are a whopping 6 feet deep. What a huge difference that extra foot makes.

My current balcony is 5 feet deep and is very much useable space for a table, chairs, etc.

I think it's pretty safe to say that Casa's are 5 feet deep less an inch or so. Not a big deal.
In 25 years of living in this area I've never seen anything like this type of incident, this is highly unusual. If your suggesting he was aggressive or a threat, did you called the police?

I dont think the guy was trying to hit anyone with the pan, he was just using it to make noise.

But dont get me wrong, -Casa is still my favorite project. And while Im happy where Ive purchased, -I still regret not getting into this building.

With Casa, BSN, 1BE, and the bloor street revitalization going on, -I wouldnt be too worried about this 'problem'.
poor souls?

Got back from that all you can eat japanese restaurant which is beside Casa and the Sanctuary (this was about 2 weeks ago)... some bum wearing a dog mask (yes a halloween dog mask) was standing outside waving a frying pan in one hand and a hat in another, trying to get some money from the people walking around and the cars on that road.

Not sure what else to say about 'solutions' to this matter, -just stating what happaned.

Oh, and I dont recommend that AYCE place either... you definately get what you pay for ($11 lunch).

And? As some other members were stating, if he wasn't harming anyone, then he has every right to do that. Aside from the aesthetic complaints, there seems to be little substance here with regards to the homeless debate.

Also, on the subject of restaurants, don't ever go to MBco in Yorkville. Three of my friends work there and, well, just don't go.
Finishing up the flooring of the 21st level. 26 more to go.

Definitely loving the glass but I'm hating those tiny windows (near the bottom of some panes). I guess it allows in fresh air when you're out and want to keep the sliding glass doors locked.

Also, it looks like they're painting the ceiling of the amenities level. Hopefully that is the shade they're going with for under the balconies as well. The pure white is still not working for me.

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I don't understand the tiny windows as it looks like there is a sliding window every few panes at the bottom if you look closely.

Also I don't see the painting you refer to on the amenities floor?

I must of just missed you casaguy. I took the same photos but you beat me to the punch. I noticed all of the windows were installed on level 6 and about 90% on level 7. Does this mean they will start finishing off the interiors of those suites? Here are a few more photos.


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November 7 2008 update

well this is sorta obsolete now ... but shows what I saw on Friday with progress on 21st floor ~ :)

note: sorry poor quality phone camera

Looks like a handful of us came close to tripping over each other yesterday...

I don't understand the tiny windows as it looks like there is a sliding window every few panes at the bottom if you look closely.

If you look carefully at the above pic (the Foglia layout) it looks like they have installed one tiny window to open in each respective room. So you see one in the 2nd bedroom on the north side, then you see another on the west side for the main room, then you see another on the west side for the master bedroom.

Does this mean they will start finishing off the interiors of those suites?

Let's hope so!
little windows

Looks like a handful of us came close to tripping over each other yesterday...

If you look carefully at the above pic (the Foglia layout) it looks like they have installed one tiny window to open in each respective room. So you see one in the 2nd bedroom on the north side, then you see another on the west side for the main room, then you see another on the west side for the master bedroom.

Here are a few more pictures showing the Foglia. It indeed shows little windows in each room. Further, I noticed the same type of windows and colour of the framing on the building behind the presentation centre on Yonge Street. It is across the laneway in the back. Will give you a better perspective on the finished product.


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