Toronto Canoe Landing Park | ?m | ?s | Concord Adex

There are hundreds, if not thousands of soccer/sport fields in this city that seem to survive 'the abuse' of children's feet running across them. And on a nice summer day, you can even lay down on the grass and perhaps smell a wee bit of nature. In the middle of a city! Who would have thought?!

The only place for artificial grass is indoors.
There are hundreds, if not thousands of soccer/sport fields in this city that seem to survive 'the abuse' of children's feet running across them.

To assess your claim I went looking at a number of soccer fields in the city via and it looks to me that a large number have only dirt in the middle of the field where there is the most traffic.




What a disgrace. They used the cheapest materials and got rid of the water features. When will the city hold the developers accountable? Why is it that they can propose something then build something totally different?
I wonder... what's the use for the fish bobbers? Are they suppose to spray water from the top or something?
Couplandic irony?

AKS' overhead shot makes things seem much more tolerable than Drum's later, ground-level series. The expanse of concrete around those bobbers is simply inappropriate.
^ I agree the bobbers look pretty silly unless there's a reason why it should be there. They would have been better off making a statue of the book like in the their mock up display model.

What would make it interesting though is if the bobbers sprayed water. Similar to Dundas Square spraying water from the ground. The bobbers spraying water from above would be cool. The kids could cool down there during the summer.

I want this park below T_T


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i might have been the most optimistic person on this forum about this park.

but i must ask: "where did it go?"

the bridges, the planters, the extra paths...maybe this will be added soon?

there is supposed to be a basketball court too.
People need to give Coupland a break. Obviously the design was a winner and the end result was a loser and I highly doubt it was Coupland's vision to cheap out.
do not rush to juge wait until this park open and see the remaining features there is lot work has to be done yet but what we have seen in rendering did not match so far
Did they install a sprinkler system? From what was said in the article, I gather they did not.

Edit: Although, I do see those indicative orange flags...
There are a couple new parks in St.Catharines without them, so I thought maybe this was the new way. And the article mentioned the trees were parched, so...
