Toronto Canoe Landing Park | ?m | ?s | Concord Adex

Here's the "Esplanade Riel" pedestrian bridge in Winnipeg. The bridge is only one of a few in the world that has a restaurant on it.


That seems pretty cool actually!
First time posting pictures, I hope this works (it didnt for all of them, only some!)

Sorry for the somewhat poor pics... not a great photographer!


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A shot from my window. Not much to look at with the snow, but still...


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...but still the sun and shadow on the snow show what the current contours are. Thanks TOBoy!

i've walked by here quite a few times, as well as getting a couple of drives westbound on the gardiner. it looks like theres been quite a bit of progress. of course, the holidays have slowed development and the snow has hidden the changes.

the main toboggan hill, i think, is near its desired height as i cant see it rising higher than the gardiner. many LARGE stones have been embedded in the hill as well.

as previous pictures have shown, many stairs have been installed.

this project is REALLY exciting. just think: coupland's park, june callwood park, bathurst street bridge reno, new access to fort york, and most importantly, THE WATERFRONT! its a great time to live in this city.
some interesting facts and figures about the park taken from contact's bio of douglas coupland:

"Douglas Coupland’s installation is proudly sponsored by Concord CityPlace. Coupland is the artist for the CityPlace Community Park, an 8- acre public park that will form an important art-inspired public space celebrating Canada. The Concord CityPlace public art program was initiated in response to the Private Developer 1% for Art Requirement administered through City of Toronto Planning and Urban Design. Concord CityPlace will house $6 million worth of permanent public art projects for the enjoyment of the whole community."

i'm just dying to get any info/ renders on this park! i love it!
nice comparison.

coupland said there's gonna be a massive canoe on top of the toboggan hill.

i'm sure tourists will love, kids too, but i thought that was kinda strange. for such modern, new-age writer, coupland chose some very stereotypical and even cheesy symbols.

still, i'm excited.
It just occurred to me that this could end up like the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, with lots of great iconic pieces and places for great photos of downtown, like the cherry and spoon there:


I'd rather have a sculpture garden in Grange Park!! OK, maybe not a SPOON, but you know what I mean.
This city could definitely use a sculpture park, but the Grange and the CityPlace Park are either not large enough/or conflict with their intended recreational uses. There is supposed to be the justice inspired sculpture court in from of the University Court houses but they are moving slowly to accumulate the pieces.
coupland said there's gonna be a massive canoe on top of the toboggan hill.

Really? That's awesome. Where/when did you hear this? Hope that's still in the plans.

I overlook the park, and I can't figure out where the toboggan hill is.
yea, giant canoe. i read it in a toronto star/ globe/ post article a really long time ago. like i said, i'm not sure if i like it but it sure will be unique.

yea so the toboggan hill is located at the southwest corner of the development, right by the gardiner. i imagine it's almost at its maximum height because i don't see it rising above the highway.

it's pretty visible, i think, and it has stairs and large stones embedded into it. the snow has certainly covered up the site alot, so maybe that's why you can't see it.
the toboggan hill is located at the southwest corner of the development, right by the gardiner.

...the snow has certainly covered up the site alot, so maybe that's why you can't see it.

Is it not supposed to be visible in winter with snow on it as opposed to the growing season since it IS a toboggan hill? This warrants a site visit to find out.
