Toronto Canary Commons | 42.06m | 12s | DundeeKilmer | a—A

Was saying the other day- this looks like it could be 2 weeks or 5months from opening. Hard to say which.
I agree! It's been difficult to say based on the past few months of inconsistent activity however I hope their December deadline stays true and we can look forward to finally having a much-needed grocery store in the Canary/Corktown/Distillery District before the New Year (fingers crossed).
you'd think they'd be all hands on deck. this place is going to print money. its the one thing everyone talks about in the neighborhood.
Yeah, part of me fears its going to be a classic example of "We demand/need XYZ..." and then "No, not like that".

It does feel kinda boutiquey, BUT they did take over the Kitchen Table space in Atrium On Bay, so maybe thats indicative of something? I dunno. Their website is not great.

I worry that with escalating food prices, that folks just aren't going to be able to support a small chain who don't have the bulk buying power of a Loblaws. I also think about how Fresh & Wild (which feels similar to these guys) could not last in the early Distillery days, despite having 100% of the newer and older buildings nearby (yeah, I know- there wasn't the population for it)

So when this finally comes through, how will people use it? Weekly grocery shop or just late night snacks and hot table items? Marche Leo's IS supposedly putting their "Supercentre" over in Queen's Quay near Sherbourne Commons, so perhaps they have more knowledge on demographics and see opportunity in the impending No Frills and Loblaws shut downs.

Anecdotally, I remember talking to someone a few years back who lived in the Distillery, and I was a bit taken aback that they had never been to No Frills, or the Sobey's (When it was on Front) and rarely done Loblaws on Jarvis- and their reasoning was they always stopped by one of the larger chain stores on their way home from work (Free parking, large stock, convenient). They could have had a grocery chain in their building, and I don't think they would have broken this habit for anything more than a bag of chips or tonic water/ice- which isn't enough to sustain a full grocer. We'll see. Fingers crossed.

I DO think that if Longos had taken the foundry space and transformed it like they did the heritage space in Leaside, that would have been a slam dunk.
Walked by and the doors opened


still looks months away from finishing ;(
The thing I’m trying to figure out is what all needs to be done? At one point I thought - okay, they’re going to tile the floor- then they moved in every appliance known to man so I reasoned they were going with polished concrete. Then they started doing the drywall arches and it looked on its way, then more appliances. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone in there except for the one dude today.
Community FB posting indicates that workers on site say the grocery store is about 2 weeks away from opening. Don’t hold me to that.

(My 2024 prediction is 1. Folks saying how lovely it is 2. Complaints about pricey meat 3. Remarks on good vegetable quality 4. Complaints about bad vegetable quality. 5. Some Karen fires off a missive about feeling slighted at checkout, loudly declares they’re never going back)
They seem to be taking longer in prepping this than they did in constructing this building that will house it…. >.<
Community FB posting indicates that workers on site say the grocery store is about 2 weeks away from opening. Don’t hold me to that.

(My 2024 prediction is 1. Folks saying how lovely it is 2. Complaints about pricey meat 3. Remarks on good vegetable quality 4. Complaints about bad vegetable quality. 5. Some Karen fires off a missive about feeling slighted at checkout, loudly declares they’re never going back)
Which Facebook Group is this?

Count me in #1 I am so excited for this to open. My grocery waste will fall spectacularly when it does. This renovation has been taunting everyone who lives in this neighborhood for too long!
Pictures from Jan 3 in the morning (Lights were on when I was going home from the Gym).

Feels like this could be open this month if they wanted to. But it doesn’t seem like they’re in any rush.



