Toronto CampusOne Student Residence (was University Place) | 79.85m | 25s | Knightstone | Diamond Schmitt

The Cheapening[SUP]TM[/SUP]


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I can almost see the off white and grey spandrel oozing down the side making me cringe while asking myself what did we do to deserve this.

If this turns out to be anything other than an eyesore I'll be shocked.
I wouldn't go so far as calling it the Toronto touch, it happens everywhere.

I always doubted this project regardless, student housing is essentially incapable of looking as good as the renders for this project was showing.
There have been nice examples of student housing built around the world, what this boils down to is probably being realistic with what can the client is willing to pay for, and preventing your building from becoming a monument to compromise.
The Toronto Touch strikes again! Everything is turned into a box covered in spandrel!

Agreed - the 'Toronto Touch' is an unfair way to state that, as if economics don't apply anywhere else.

I have larger versions of this for you, and you'll see that brick is now in the mix, so that's good. If the spandrel above turns out to be something like fibreC, that would be a win, but I don't know that yet.

For a student residence, this place does not look that bad. The trouble is that the plans have been through the Value Engineering ringer a couple of times now, and compared to the original vision, what we are getting is definitely a letdown. So, while The Cheapening™ has been thoroughly applied, let's hope it doesn't end up looking cheap.



These images have been added to the dataBase file now too.



  • KnighstoneStr700.jpg
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Might take a bit longer than normal depending on what the 'hazard' is.

Application: Demolition Folder (DM) Status: Under Review

Location: 245-247 COLLEGE ST

Ward 20: Trinity-Spadina

Application#: 14 136961 DEM 00 DM Accepted Date: Apr 2, 2014

Project: Industrial Warehouse/Hazardous Building Demolition

Description: Proposal to demolish existing building to make room for future development.
I thought this corridor was slated for mid-rise, not 24 stories! Does having one fairly tall building (the CAMH) in the hood mean that everything can be that tall?
…and that's why this is seeking approval at the OMB, not the City.

There is a "Demolition" announcement now posted on the front of College Street Storage stating that they weren't accepting any more customers in advance of building demolition in "Spring/Summer 2014".
