Toronto Burano | ?m | 48s | Lanterra | a—A

For me, one of the few facades that works is the invaginated Savarin - split into three sections and forming the enclosing walls of a bar, tucked inside the Turf Lounge at 330 Bay Street.
Burano - from this past weekend, when it was March and not the middle of January.

very nice pic of bay street ^^^
reminds me why it's basically my favorite street in the city. nice streetwall, generally tall buildings, (lots of new buildings as well north of the CBD in/around college!), and surprisingly spacious/quiet. :D

and burano is going to be huge. jeez, just picturing it taller in that pic now is AWESOME!
very nice pic of bay street ^^^
reminds me why it's basically my favorite street in the city. nice streetwall, generally tall buildings, (lots of new buildings as well north of the CBD in/around college!), and surprisingly spacious/quiet. :D

and burano is going to be huge. jeez, just picturing it taller in that pic now is AWESOME!

Quiet? Really? Steveve you need to turn down your earbuds, they are damaging your hearing! :)
Quiet? Really? Steveve you need to turn down your earbuds, they are damaging your hearing! :)

lol! by quiet i mean there aren't too many pedestrians, traffic jam horns, etc... alot of it is cause the sidewalks are wide, and buildings are tall. compared to yonge-street next door, it's quite a noticeable difference :D
Your correct about pedestrians, thought it does get pretty busy now when people are going to and coming from work but I find Bay Street noisier with vehicular traffic than most streets, perhaps Yonge Street is noisier. I've lived on several major streets downtown and Bay Street was terrible for noise. I sold my first condo at Bay & Grosvenor after 11 months of living there in great part because of the traffic noise from 6am to about 8pm, later if there was an event at the Skydome. I'd get vibrations from trucks, buses and large vehicles inside the unit and could only enjoy the balcony on Sunday or late at night when traffic was usually minimal. It's pretty quiet inside and around Queens Park at night when leaves are on the trees come late April, save for the subway rumbling underneath.
The side of Burano from above, making great progress, just behind Murano's north tower

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

hey! that's a fresh new angle ^^^
some insane density happening right before your eyes! can't wait to see this bad boy up and above Murano from that angle ^^^
Your correct about pedestrians, thought it does get pretty busy now when people are going to and coming from work but I find Bay Street noisier with vehicular traffic than most streets, perhaps Yonge Street is noisier. I've lived on several major streets downtown and Bay Street was terrible for noise. I sold my first condo at Bay & Grosvenor after 11 months of living there in great part because of the traffic noise from 6am to about 8pm, later if there was an event at the Skydome. I'd get vibrations from trucks, buses and large vehicles inside the unit and could only enjoy the balcony on Sunday or late at night when traffic was usually minimal. It's pretty quiet inside and around Queens Park at night when leaves are on the trees come late April, save for the subway rumbling underneath.

What floor did you live in ?
Redroom finally makes it back to the Big TO! Good to see!

ya, thanks man... I got into town rather late and then lost my nice sunny blue skies after not much more than an hour. glad to be able to contribute once again.
