Toronto Burano | ?m | 48s | Lanterra | a—A

My guess ... end of 2011

(given that excavation is still underway)
My guess ... end of 2011

(given that excavation is still underway)

Barring any unforeseen circumstances, that's about what I would guess too.
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^ The site has severe water issues. I haven't been by the site to see what you are describing, but it may be a mitigation method to deal with the on-site water.

The piping network which I thought to be a sump is more likely a dewatering system: there is something similar functioning at the Brickworks site right now. Water is pumped out of the soil before excavation reaches it.
update by Jasonzed at SSC....

Fun with autostitch:


The photo I posted on June 29 was a whole 3 days old at the time.

July 19th Update

I took the same shot from the south end today (as shown above), so I won't repost. Below, from the north end of the site where the bottom of the pit can no longer be seen from that vantage point. Great progress here.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

