Toronto Broadview Hotel | 28.65m | 7s | Streetcar | ERA Architects


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Apr 24, 2007
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A friend told me today that he heard that the building that houses Jilly's, at the corner of Queen & Broadview, had been bought by the owners of the Drake Hotel, presumably to do something similar in the east end. i know this rumour was floating around a couple of times in the last couple of years so can anyone confirm whether or not it is true?
I read last summer in a neighborhood newspaper that the owners of Jilly's renewed their lease with the building owners for another 5 years. Jilly's will be there until 2012 at least... which time it will be bought by the owners of the Drake.
The Jillys conversion is bound to happen someday... Leslieville is already the Gladstone and Ossington of the East.
I really hope something Drake-ish is done to it. I love that building, it's steps from me, and it'd be nice to have some more entertainment venues nearby.

I'm not really down with the sketchy strip club scene.
guys i heard this is where the W hotel is going

plz confirm tia

Ha ha. Brilliant. This should fire up about 5 pages of wild, baseless speculation.


It's funny how Queen East mirrors Queen West. Apart from the Jilly's/Gladstone brownstone thing, there's also the two streetcar carhouses, and the two somewhat down-at-heel Days Inns. The Queen/Kingston intersection is sort of the eastern equivalent of Queen/King/Roncesvalles except that Queen continues its journey east into the Beaches whereas on the west it ends abruptly in a tangled intersection, continuing somewhat strangely as the Queensway, a 50s monument to motoring.
A friend told me today that he heard that the building that houses Jilly's, at the corner of Queen & Broadview, had been bought by the owners of the Drake Hotel, presumably to do something similar in the east end. i know this rumour was floating around a couple of times in the last couple of years so can anyone confirm whether or not it is true?
Okay, I guess this means that the gurls'll henceforth be exclusively Diablo Cody or MissBehav'N live-window-model types
When's the Parkview Arms gonna be bought out by a trendy developer? Surely at Strachan and Queen St West, opposite Trinity-Bellwoods Park would make an excellent condo conversion? Or Drake-knockoff?

Actually, a better question would be: how soon before the Drake is franchised? 2013 is my guess.
When's the Parkview Arms gonna be bought out by a trendy developer? Surely at Strachan and Queen St West, opposite Trinity-Bellwoods Park would make an excellent condo conversion? Or Drake-knockoff?

Actually, a better question would be: how soon before the Drake is franchised? 2013 is my guess.

The Drake Hotel East.

Sounds good to me, because it'd be a lot closer than going to West Queen West.
Yes - I posted this in the Riverdale thread yesterday

I see Jilly's has been closed as the city have deemed the building unsafe

