Developer: Mattamy Homes
Architect: TACT Architecture
Address: 935 The Queensway, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 141 ft / 43.05 mStoreys: 10 storeys
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Toronto BLVD Q | 43.05m | 10s | Mattamy Homes | TACT Architecture

Resubmission with the only non-technical revision being a minor height increase from 41.15 to 43.05m.

All permits post-demolition remain pending.
Groundbreaking event is happening on Monday from 1-3PM. This should mean that construction is officially starting however, the permits have not been issued yet according to the Cities website which is strange.
Groundbreaking event is happening on Monday from 1-3PM. This should mean that construction is officially starting however, the permits have not been issued yet according to the Cities website which is strange.

Per Renx; construction is anticipated to begin by the end of October:

No permits are issued, as you note.

Three aspects of 'New Building' remain under review. Fire, Code and Zoning.

The STR partial permit has not yet been started on; this makes it a nearly zero chance that permits will be in place by month end, barring heroic efforts.
October 18 - Ready to start
December 15th
