Toronto Bloor Street Revitalization | ?m | ?s | Bloor-Yorkville BIA | architectsAlliance

Not sure if anybody knows - but there are already some dead trees of the newly planted. Will they be replacing them? This is horrible given the resources spent to make sure that the trees were planted in the most conducive environment for health and longevity!
There were half a dozen that didn't make it on the east side of Yonge last year & they either recovered, or were replaced.
Not sure if anybody knows - but there are already some dead trees of the newly planted. Will they be replacing them? This is horrible given the resources spent to make sure that the trees were planted in the most conducive environment for health and longevity!

Sometimes large trees don't make it through the shock of transplanting, it's not that unusual. As others have stated... they will be replaced as soon as possible.
My gripe: the new bicycle posts along Bloor St. are too wide!

They are pretty much useless to most bicycle riders who have short or medium shackle u-locks (the most common). The posts are too wide!! You don't enough room in your lock to fit your bike. Only cyclists with chain/cable locks or long shackle u-locks have a chance.

Is this by design or accident? Has anyone noticed or cared?
Furthermore, as our streets in the core get dug up for ttc tracks and water main replacement, expect more of the generic Toronto lighting. On streets accommodating street cars, the city has been pretty clear that one side of the street will have ttc metal poles and the other will have those super tall concrete poles with multiple strands of hydro wires. Unless the local BIA and residents are vocal about the pole and utility issues and are willing to fork out money, expect more concrete poles and hydro wires on the streets of Toronto.

It's a shame that the city has no real strategy for cleaning up the streets by phasing out overhead wires. It's very ugly and I don't know why they maintain the city to look that way. Where do they expect to get that way?
It's a shame that the city has no real strategy for cleaning up the streets by phasing out overhead wires. It's very ugly and I don't know why they maintain the city to look that way. Where do they expect to get that way?

It is indeed a shame, but I have given hope on that issue altogether. My cousins from London on a recent visit were asking if there were plans to bury these wires. sigh. At least during the summer, one sort of gets distracted from all the clutter created by the wires and the poles by the foliage and the street activities. During winter time they almost stick out like a sore thumb.
It is indeed a shame, but I have given hope on that issue altogether. My cousins from London on a recent visit were asking if there were plans to bury these wires. sigh. At least during the summer, one sort of gets distracted from all the clutter created by the wires and the poles by the foliage and the street activities. During winter time they almost stick out like a sore thumb.

i was about to say the exact same thing... ony in the winter though... funny.... or... ugly
Are overhead wires O/T or am I missing something on Bloor Street; there are no overhead wires along here.
My gripe: the new bicycle posts along Bloor St. are too wide!

They are pretty much useless to most bicycle riders who have short or medium shackle u-locks (the most common). The posts are too wide!! You don't enough room in your lock to fit your bike. Only cyclists with chain/cable locks or long shackle u-locks have a chance.

Is this by design or accident? Has anyone noticed or cared?

Actually the bike racks work well with U-locks. You just have to put the lock around the SKINNY side of the rack, not the wide side.
I saw the dead trees last night. It seems like most of the trees east of Yonge are either dead or extremely stressed.
I guess these renovations need to come with video cameras so the know who to send the repair bill to.

"Big Brother is watching you.."

But no, I fully agree.. If people have no respect and destroy brand new streetscape features without reporting it, they deserve to be caught on camera and fined.
Just came back from a walk in the area and 3/4 of the trees are completely dead from Church to Yonge... i am really hoping they are being replaced. Does one know who to contact to ensure that it gets done. How embarrassing!
That's disappointing, and I'm wondering if this spring had anything to do with it? The cold weather and excessive rain delayed the leaves on most of the trees in the city, and perhaps was enough to damage the newly transplanted trees. Either way, hopefully they'll be replacing any that have died.
