Toronto Bloor Street Revitalization | ?m | ?s | Bloor-Yorkville BIA | architectsAlliance

Pedestrian crossing signals for the
Bay Street pedestrian scramble crossing have started to go up.

That gateway on the waterfront is only an element in the initial proposal - it is not in any of the implementation plans and the likelihood of it happening is pretty much zero.

Holy crap, yesterday it took longer to drive down Bloor Street from Parliament to Avenue Road than it did from Highway 7 to Bloor (via 404/Don Valley).
They should restrict right turns on this stretch of Bloor, as there is only one lane going each way and those turning really jam up the traffic for everyone else at these intersections.
I walked the north side yesterday and weather permitting, they should be pretty much done with laying the granite pavers by the end of the week. The only area left is in front of the Church of the Redeemer over to about the Burberry store and that's mostly work along the curb. A half dozen planters and circular tree slabs on both sides of the street are left to be completed and perhaps a half dozen small trim jobs. We're almost there!
I like the scrambles but it doesn't make sense to leave them on late at night when there are very few pedestrians around.

I totally agree- waiting at the corner of Yonge and Bloor at 5am with no pedestrians and all traffic stopped makes no sense. 7am-10pm would be more reasonable.
I find even in the wee hours of the night there are still pedestrians on Yonge and Bloor that can take advantage of the scramble intersection. Obviously not as many as during rush hour, but they are there..people drive at 5am. People walk at 5am.
Not really part of this project but they're finally replacing the sidewalk in from of RCM.Most of the sidewalk there was laid down in 1967.

Pedestrian crossing signals for the
Bay Street pedestrian scramble crossing have started to go up.

Indeed. Today, the traffic lights were turned off while police were directing traffic.



As I work near Bay and St. Joseph now, the new Barnes Dance will benefit me somewhat getting to and from the subway. Though, even speaking as a non-car-owning transit and pedestrian commuter, I have seen the Barnes Dance phase at Dundas and Yonge really screw up traffic, including the 505 Dundas streetcars. The cycles for east-west and north-south traffic should be even 10 seconds longer to make it easier for traffic (including those streetcars) to move through at a reasonable time, otherwise, i think these are great.
While walking my dog late last night I noticed that there was a large flatbed trailer parked on the north side of Bloor a little east of Church Street loaded up with granite pavers. I thought that the hydro work was probably nearing completion (N/W corner of Church & Bloor) so that's where they must be going. Today, no sign of the pavers anywhere but I did notice that most of the crappy old concrete in front of the Crown Life Building (120 Bloor E., between Park Rd. & Church St. on the north side) was all torn up so I presume they'll be extending the granite to the building. This is good news as it is one of several sections that looked really bad when old brick/pavers/concrete are contrasted against the new granite sidewalks. The block in front of the Manulife Centre from Balmuto St. to Bay St. and the S/E corner of Avenue Rd. & Bloor (in front of Club Monaco) are other major offenders.
Excellent news. I was reall irritated by that section. Hopefully they will finish by end of October along with the rest of the project!
I walked the north side yesterday and weather permitting, they should be pretty much done with laying the granite pavers by the end of the week. The only area left is in front of the Church of the Redeemer over to about the Burberry store and that's mostly work along the curb. A half dozen planters and circular tree slabs on both sides of the street are left to be completed and perhaps a half dozen small trim jobs. We're almost there!

I was overly optimistic on Sept. 27th when I put up the above post. Progress has been made between this stretch but it'll be a bit longer yet until it's complete. Almost all materials have been removed from Bloor Street, it has been paved and will be closed Oct. 2 & 3 so perhaps all four lanes will be re-opened for Monday.
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