Toronto Bloor Street Revitalization | ?m | ?s | Bloor-Yorkville BIA | architectsAlliance

I am sure if Malvern came forward with a proposal to do that, there would not be an issue. That is why the city jumped to fund Bloor Street. They want to use it as an example for other areas.
Oh, the city will find a way to overspend on Malvern, like a massive after school program designed to curb rampant violence that doesn't really exist or a multi hundred million dollar SRT extension.
I don't see what the problem is with a public-private partnership where the city provides bridge funding to improve the public realm. The investment made by the city will be paid off by the BIA and the city will gain increased property tax revenue as the assessment value increases.

It is a win-win for everybody. What is the downside?
Who's the architect on this now? I understand that Brown & Storey are out now that the city's taken over.
I want marble for Riverdale too. I'm sure our BIA's would ask for it - so we can have what Bloor-Yorkville has. We can pass the hat round and pay the city back, sure we can, just like Malvern residents will. Then we can generate more property tax, because we'll all have quality finishes to walk on and everyone will flock to our neighbourhood. Better still, let's get marble sidewalks for the whole city, then all the BIA's can reimburse the city, maybe even take the BIA's out of the picture completely and give everyone real purdy sidewalks wherever they live.
Screw marble sidewalks. All I want is A SIDEWALK on front street west as opposed to the non existent one that is present now. Talk about a neglected street.
The last time I ran over that way (it would have been our 9 mile run, so late January, when it was still nice) there was sidewalk all the way east from Bathurst, except where the hoarding is up for a construction project west of the CBC.
I'm sorry, Mr. circuitboy84, but under the new guidelines the City cannot process your improved infrastructure application form until your local BIA can guarantee that they will reimburse the City for the infrastructure upgrades that are appropriate to the Level of Financial Stability Report kept on file at City Hall for residents of the M5E postal code. Furthermore, we have on file a report that gives compelling evidence that the City Place district is prone to low grade businesses and transient renters who may reneg on legal commitments to fund their BIA at a sufficient level to make upgrades cost effective for the City to carry out. Until such a time as a guarantee can be given, your sidewalks will be listed as Grade 4 which is a low priority with this Department.
Good news. What did the proposal look like again? I remember there were granite sidewalks (good) but also curvy planters (bad) and video screens (really bad).
Great news. Hopefully other BIAs will start thinking this way.

So rich BIA areas get deluxe makeovers and Malvern or somewhere gets diddly-squat? That's the model for how we do things in our city now?

Yes, and I think it sets a very good precedent. As for Malvern, I think they should concern themselves first with creating a vibrant BIA before they apply for marble sidewalks.
Building Babel,

If you want marble sidewalks check the Home Depot for their sales. They sometimes get skids coming in at pretty cheap prices. Say 4 bucks a square foot at 8 foot depth and your talking 32 bucks per linear foot. Typical lot width of 20 feet, multiply by 2.5 for additional material and labourer and you got yourself one marble sidewalk come spring for $1600 + GST!
It is a win-win for everybody. What is the downside?

Other than not being able to absolutely satisfy everyone all of the time?

There is no downside.
Unfortunately, I don't know much more than that. Other than having heard from a directly involved party that, as of a couple of weeks ago, they were off the BIA project once the city took over. I don't know who they were replaced with, and who knows how it's developed since late January. I was hoping someone else would be able to fill in the gaps...

This is a little disconcerting, considering the city's record in managing the public domain. I wonder if the shuffle will result in aesthetics taking a back seat from engineering.

