Toronto Bisha Hotel and Residences | 146.91m | 44s | Lifetime | Wallman Architects

Pic taken Dec 14, 2014

Nice to see the pace picked up.



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Pic taken Dec 14, 2014

Nice to see the pace picked up.

It still seems as slow as ever to me.... With over 3 weeks past now (ok Christmas is in there) they haven't moved from ground level, even the small corner erected is practically still the same.

Let's hope it doesn't effect the final product, other then taking a lengthy amount of time.
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This may set a record for longest "under-construction" phase.

It's shocking how slow this one has been. I wonder what the hold-up has been an if Lifetime is going to make any money on this... don't purchasers have the option to cancel their contracts if the developer takes to long on construction?
It's shocking how slow this one has been. I wonder what the hold-up has been an if Lifetime is going to make any money on this... don't purchasers have the option to cancel their contracts if the developer takes to long on construction?

Yes purchasers can cancel their agreement after the builder fails to meet several pre-determined, by them, completion dates. Unfortunately if the buyers aren't savvy these dates can be a VERY long time that even this building could fit within. That being said if they go past the dates set out upon accepting the contract I believe the compensation is capped at $5,000 or in other words, a meaningless amount of money.

Getting out of the deal after what could already be years of having your money tied up isn't always the best option either...
Some of the slowness of construction here must have been down to an application that was recently made to the Committee of Adjustment for three more floors. The application was granted on January 28th, conditionally, and while I don't see a specific requirement within the conditions to get a new site plan approved, maybe that's implied and the reason for what has shown up in waterloowarrior's post.

Here's are the requests and what was granted:
1. Section 12(2) 246(e), by-law 438-86
A minimum of 212 residential parking spaces, 22 visitor parking spaces and 25 non-residential uses parking spaces shall be provided.
Committee of Adjustment Decision A0517/11TEY approved 0 visitor parking spaces to be provided.
In this case, 221 residential parking spaces, 0 visitor parking spaces and50 non-residential parking spaces will be provided.

2. Section 3(e), By-law 849-2010
The maximum permitted combined residential and non-residential gross floor area is 36,100.0 m2. Committee of Adjustment Decision A0517/11TEY approved a maximum combined residential and non- residential gross floor area of 36,207.0 m2.
The new 44-storey mixed-use building will have a combined residential and non-residential gross floor area of 38,568.0 m2.

3. Section 3 (d), By-laws 849-2010
The maximum permitted residential gross floor area is 24,600.0 m2.
Committee of Adjustment Decision A0517/11TEY approved a maximum residential gross floor area of 24,617.0 m2.
The new 44-storey mixed-use building will have a residential gross floor area of 26,810.0 m2.

4. Section 4(17)(a), By-law 438-86
The minimum required dimensions of a parking space, accessed by a drive aisle having a width of 6.0 m or more shall be 5.6 m in length, 2.6 m in width and 2.0 m in height.
In this case, at the P1 level, six residential parking spaces will have the dimensions of 5.08 m in length, 2.6 m in width and 2.0 m in height.

5. Section 3.(1), By-law 849-2010
The maximum permitted height of any building or structure or portion thereof, including mechanical and elevator/stair overrun, does not exceed those heights as indicated by the number following the H on Map 2. In this case, the new 44-storey mixed-use building will exceed the height indicated following by the H on Map 2. (Please see the revised Map 2 attached).

6. Section 3(1)(i), By-law 849-2010
The maximum permitted height for parapets, terrace guards and divers, planters, railings, decorative screens, and window washing equipment shall be the sum of 1.8 m and the applicable height limit shown on Map 2 provided that these projections will not extend beyond the highest height of the building.
The height of the window washing equipment is 149.71 m and will extend above the highest height of the building. (Please see the revised Map 2 attached).

Map 2 would show you that the height of the building is now 147 metres, or 482 feet. I have made the changes to the dataBase file and the thread title.

Looking forward to seeing this building rise above ground level!

