I like the move away from bikeshare relying on taxpayers and taking up space with their docks.
Also, with dockless I can presumably ride anywhere I want. Right now, if I want to ride to a destination on Queen St. east of Jones I'm SOL.
But do we want a city littered with bikes in snowbanks, anywhere on sidewalks, alleyways, etc?
A good compromise is SoBi like what I ride in Hamilton.
It is essentially a dockless system with dumb bike racks being used as "official docks".
Yes, it is a hybrid as there are "docks" but the "docks" are just branded pieces of metal with no electronics. No different from a regular bike rack.
There's no electronics in SoBi docks, they're simple branded bike racks.
Basically you're incentivized to return the bike to the dock -- but returning to the dock is
optional. You can pretty much lock a SoBi anywhere, with its electronic U-bar. Lamp post, parking sign, fence, etc.
-- $1 extra fee if I leave it anywhere. It just costs me a little extra ($1.00) to essentially "abandon" a SoBi anywhere.
-- $0.75 reward if I return a lone bike to a "dock". Meaning, I get rewarded 75 cents if I start my rental on a lone SoBi and end my rental at a SoBi bike rack.
So only $0.25 if I do a multistop journey that involves one off-dock stop: Official SoBi rack -> Lock mid-journey for a few hours (-$1) -> Ride it back to SoBi dock (+75c). Or I can also "hold" the bike (reserve for myself only, nobody else can rent it) but hold time counts against my daily free allotment of 90 minutes per day.
You've incentivized against China-style bikeshare litter.
-- Crowdfunded bike rebalancing.
-- If you have time or feel like it, you can return a bike to a rack
-- If you're in a rush to catch a bus or train, just "abandon" your SoBi at any legal location (like at a parking pole)
-- Other people can "earn" a profit (free bikeshare memberships) returning bikes for you. (At least two locals returned so many bikes that they've paid for their annual bikeshare memberships for the next few years!)
-- All bikes have LTE-connected GPS trackers. They successfully recovered stolen bikes already.
-- "Docks" never "too full". The bike racks are double-up capable. A rack for 10 SoBis actually holds 20 SoBis in an overflow duress situation, there's nothing preventing you from attaching extra SoBis to the opposite side of a rack. More than twice the bikes per square meter than a Bixi-type system. And you can lock a few meters away (to another pole, fence) for free since it's within the GPS geofence of the dock.
As a result, SoBi has lower operating costs per bike rental than Bixi-type system. And there's no "bike litter" problem.