Toronto Berczy Park Revitalization | ?m | ?s

I've been watching this build for 2 years from my perch in the Berczy condo, every day comparing the progress from the day before. Such a complicated job to build a park of this caliber. But boy, is it slow, particularly lately on the stone work which is almost done. But every day, they seem to get about 10 more pieces in. It's like they are dead tired in a dance-a-thon, just barely keeping moving. A big shipment of something this morning, not sure what. Also two days ago they covered the fountain with plastic. What's that all about?
="harry_fine, post: 1160522, member: 55991 Also two days ago they covered the fountain with plastic. What's that all about?"

So they can work in dry conditions and so that the waterproof tiling on base of fountain can be installed properly. The dogs (and ANOTHER cat!!) are also coming - some have already arrived in Toronto and the rest are en route.
My concern is that the city does not have a very good track record of looking after and maintaining things like grass, trees and fountains. Let us hope that this park will be maintained.
Wow, the brickwork looks really good with the grass in. Agreed with the concerns on maintenance. It seems like a lot of parks end up with dry, browned out grass a lot of times.
This has irrigation so it OUGHT to be OK -_ we shall see!

Irrigation isn't going to stop the Torontonians that received a failing grade for consideration of others. They're the ones to be concerned over. Not the city.
The grasses might go brown over the summer - it just means they have gone dormant and have not died. Its not really a bad thing to conserve water by not watering things that do not require it (like grass). All depends on how hot the summer is. However, your right. it's the gardens that get messy over the years and keeping things tidy that seems to go down hill. Eventually we might adopt a USA approach to keeping our city parks looking awesome! Baby steps - redoing this park is a great start though. its looking incredible!
Irrigation isn't going to stop the Torontonians that received a failing grade for consideration of others. They're the ones to be concerned over. Not the city.
While it is, of course, true that WE are also responsible for keeping our City looking good but the City needs to get the infrastructure and other things right to allow this. Having irrigation is one way, picking up litter and fixing damage properly is another. It has been shown in many studies that once there is graffiti or litter or ?? in an area it is not long before it becomes the norm. (The 'broken window syndrome") During the discussions on the Berczy project the question of maintenance and snow-clearing was certainly raised (often) and everyone is aware of how important it will be. We shall see if action follows the words!
But, we may be asking too much from the city to make sure this park and all other parks are in pristine condition 24 hours a day to discourage vandalism. The US approach tends to lean on locking the parks at night and have a non profits look after each park. IIRC, the Yonge street BIA has taking over maintenance of some public spaces.
But, we may be asking too much from the city to make sure this park and all other parks are in pristine condition 24 hours a day to discourage vandalism. The US approach tends to lean on locking the parks at night and have a non profits look after each park. IIRC, the Yonge street BIA has taking over maintenance of some public spaces.
As is common with many parks in Toronto there is a "Friends" group at Berczy (they are quite active and have a website at ) and the local BIA has certainly done quite a bit of 'extra stuff' in our parks and maintains many of the street flower beds and all the hanging plants.
Some workers here on a Saturday morning.

New stacks of stonework...




Tiling the inside...




Some serious pipe!




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