Toronto Bathurst Quay Revitalization | ?m | 2s | City of Toronto | Kearns Mancini

Did you get to say 'hi' to @bowen
I didn't see anyone in a white construction helm and yellow work jacket there, no. I didn't think he was a expecting a pink Gnome to show up and take pics. And the lighting wasn't that great... I guess we missed each other. My apologies! >.<
I didn't see anyone in a white construction helm and yellow work jacket there, no. I didn't think he was a expecting a pink Gnome to show up and take pics. And the lighting wasn't that great... I guess we missed each other. My apologies! >.<
Sorry to have missed you! Lots of enthusiasm and great ideas shared at the pop-up booth.


So went down to Bathurst Quay for Nuit Blanche and got some tidbits from the ever informative Mr. Bowen.

•They have figured out how and where to install an elevator.
•OCADU is hiring the company that Luminato used to make The Hearn useable to see what is necessary to outfit the Silos. I believe that they have 8 000 square feet.
•They are soon going to scrape everything off the plaza on top of the parking garage and put in pavers and furniture to make it useable in the short-term.
•Looking for ideas on how to use rooftop space (restaurant/event space.)
•Electricity is being hooked up next week.
•Seating on the plaza facing the Silos across the water was mentioned (amphitheatre.) reminds me of what Blue Charcoal did at The Hearn.
•They are really open to ideas on how to activate the 5 storey high cylindrical volumes for visual, acoustic and performance art so if you have thoughts (and funding! Lol) give them a buzz.
•The installations for NB were done in collaboration with The Bentway which I am sure exponentially increases the size of the ecosystem they are operating in!

2024 should be really interesting as the Irish Centre and waterfront plaza will be opening. I was wondering if using the upper parking deck for events is a possibility as they have done at City Hall? Also I heard at the Jane’s Walk talk that this whole process was being documented. Any teasers and especially pix of the interior volumes would be greatly appreciated!

I posted some videos of the installations on Instagram under Beyogluguy.

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Sorry to have missed you! Lots of enthusiasm and great ideas shared at the pop-up booth.
I really should of ventured down further...forgetting how latitudinal Nuit Blanche exhibits can be times. But I mostly stayed around that other video installation that was there for the most part. My apologies again!

...but it does appear from the position of the Moon over those silos that rdaner-san and I where there around the same time. Small world it is! <3
Great pics! That’s the perimeter outline for the park’s ‘sun deck’ - a large terrace being built with sustainably sourced thermal ash, and which will be filled with moveable furniture. The very first concrete pour is actually scheduled for this week. We’re starting with pouring a mud slab base (due to saturated soil from a high water table). Then form work for the structural footings will start to be erected on top of that base early next month. By the end of the year the general shape of this south end of ‘Bathurst Quay Common’ should be visible.
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From Thursday: our first concrete pour for the new park, Bathurst Quay Common. With removals nearly complete and this base now in place, the pace of park construction will visibly pick up. Form work for structural footings will start to be erected next week on top of this slab.

Also by the end of this year:

Silo Rehab
- new electrical room inside the south silo energized, providing power for both silos and the new park
- completion of north silo logo restoration (both facades)
- new security doors installed at grade
- completion of new rooftop ‘catwalk’ between silos (the north silo relies on the south silo for rooftop access, since it lacks its own interior stair)

Corleck Building
- new roof complete
- start of fabrication for 30+ custom heritage window and door replacements (to be installed late Spring 2024)

Sharing a first look at the now completed restoration of the ‘Canada Malting Co’ signage.

Seen here is the west elevation, plus a ‘before’ shot for comparison, and an archives photo from Maple Leaf Stadium (now Little Norway Park).

Both sides will be revealed over the winter months as scaffolding removal gets underway.

2023-12-20 08.49.40.jpeg
2023-12-20 08.49.21.jpeg


Thanks @rdaner ! Our slow reveal of the ongoing and painstaking reproduction of the Canada Malting silos signage continues. We arranged an inspection today from the rooftop of the neighbouring Arcadia Co-op building (2nd photo below) just to make sure it was reading properly when viewed from a distance and at height. We’re really pleased with the results so far and so today green lit the start of work on the east elevation’s signage, which will start tomorrow.

We spent months talking through and mocking up different methodologies in order to get this perfect. Credit to Brook Restoration, ERA Architects, Best Painting, and Moon-Matz.

From yesterday.

The final “NG” on “MALTING” will be completed in the Spring. Reason is that this last section overlaps with and requires use of the mast climber, which is presently tied up supporting roof and tower repairs.

The pile of concrete you see beside the Corleck are the last remnants of the enormous foundation from the former kiln building, which was demolished (to grade) years ago. Removals now 100% complete.

Next week we start the form work for all above grade features, followed by a big concrete pour in March. So the new landscape will visibly start to take shape from here on out.

