Toronto Bathurst Quay Revitalization | ?m | 2s | City of Toronto | Kearns Mancini

Doesn't the slip help keep the vantage point? If you fill it in the perspective would be lost, no?

not necessarily. It would depend on what was built and where it's footprint would be. Filling the slip in on it's own won't do anything to the view.
Kind of a neat pic of the silo with the Etobicoke/Mississauga skyline in the background.

The Report from Excecutive (Item #6) at was approved by City Council today, among other things it says:

1. City Council approve a phased plan to preserve the Canada Malting silos and a master
planning exercise to complete improvements to the remainder of the site for public and
private use as described in the report (October 26, 2009) from the Deputy City
Manager, Cluster B, and the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer.
2. City Council direct staff to proceed immediately with Phase I improvements which have
been funded in the Approved 2009 Capital Budget
i. the remediation of the east face of the silos to facilitate the opening of the East
Promenade to Ireland Park including removal and storage of the marine leg;
ii. repairs to the eastern dockwall; and
iii. demolition of the structures to the immediate west of the 1929 and 1944
concrete silo structures.
I was walking over there last week and you can now walk along the east side of the silos to/from Ireland Park. I assume (?) that the City will fix the landscaping in the spring but you CAN walk there now that the metal 'marine leg' is gone.
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What's so brillant? Looks like a green glass condo tower on a really bad base.
I'm so confused. If they do convert this into a museum or a venue, how do they get around the fact this is one giant eyesore? I mean, it can't be denied, this looks like an atrocity from a distance.
Two sides are never going to agree on the beauty/ugliness of this structure. I say it's an asset of the city's that is worth preserving and keeping. And hell, if you find it ugly, at least at night you can light it up all crazy like the CN Tower and it'll be fine.
