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Richmond Hill highrise projects panned by residents

By Marney Beck|Mar 23, 2012 - 1:04 PM

All councillors present and all delegates speaking out for the nearly 100 residents who packed Richmond Hill council chambers Wednesday night said the two Baif Developments projects planned for lands at Yonge and Major Mackenzie were too dense and too high.

Despite colourful artist drawings and a glitzy presentation by Baif representatives at the public meeting, resident after resident pleaded with council to deny the official plan amendment sought by the developer for a 1,560 residential unit project on Yonge, between Harding Boulevard and Hopkins Street, especially concerned that the three proposed building towers would be 31, 28 and 20 storeys high.

Baif architect Dave Pontarini walked onlookers through a presentation of both projects and councillors were told the developments would bring new residents to support current retail stores and fill vacant lands with gateway projects in a location that meets provincial and regional urban planning requirements.

Marj Andre, representing the Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce, said while the architect drawings were “beautiful†and the chamber looked forward to the central lands near the downtown being “revitalized,†the board did not support the proposals due to concerns about traffic and Baif’s request for higher densities and heights than provided for in the town’s official plan.

Councillor Carmine Perrelli reminded residents there was already a precedent set by the provincial Ontario Municipal Board, which approved a 28-storey building at the corner of Yonge and 16th Avenue. He stressed “if this project goes to the OMB, this council has no control over the height, so the best thing is to work with the applicantâ€.
Fifteen years ago I used to drive through areas of Richmond Hill that were essentially farmland and became bland subdivisions... More density won't hurt them.
Whoa, hold the phones! Could the suburbs actually be getting some tolerable, dare I say decent architecture? How exciting. Leave it to the narrow-minded suburbanites to try to block it though. Needs to be a quarter as dense, with more faux Greek columns and precast cornices.
What are the office looking buildings behind the development ?
Those are the 3 tower (12 storeys) Dynasty Condominiums
The building on the Major Mackenzie Block is awesome. They should be so lucky (especially considering it's currently an unused field).

I agree that the set back off Yonge it too big for the other 3 complexes though. Enough room for a single line of trees and a wide side walk should be the max.
Indeed it is !

But I really don't get the huge setbacks on Yonge as the poster above indicated, it may serve this particular block well but it it really doesn't take future development, to the north and south, into consideration. In some senses turning its back on Yonge.

Maybe there's no hope for Yonge, once the lane gets widened maybe that makes sense, so the retail is really focused off Yonge.
nice design, can use the density when they eventually build the new civic centre at yonge/major mac

i'm concerned about the traffic. it will be hard to get to 404/407 in rush hours. and it doesn't help that on yonge north of major mac is usually reduced to 1 lane each way traffic when cars are parked on the street. on top of that there is no dedicated left turn lanes along that stretch. gotta put all the parked cars at rear parking. it's a really nice stretch there with the older store fronts, i could see many restaurants and bars popping up once the density kicks in
Notice of OPA / ZBA refusal issued on May 18, 2012 ... guess this one is will be going to the OMB

Though I'm all for highrise towers, I do agree this is too much density at a location where it does not have the infrastructure to support it (Yonge & Major Mackenzie?) and in proximity/gateway to historic Richmond Hill Main Street ??
My main concern, besides the ones already addressed (traffic capacity, being too far setback from Yonge), is that there is a prime opportunity for parkland which is being lost. This location is on a very steep grade slope, and during the winter it is a popular tobogganing destination. Also this area provides a fantastic view of the city, which will probably be lost behind the towers. Providing some public park space would be a great way to solve both of these issues.
the major mac development was rejected by the town several days ago.
not in line with the vision of the yonge weldrick precinct plan

edit: should have read the post.

the density value is too high. they only need one tower to be honest. everything in the area is mid rise anyways.
