Toronto Axiom Condos | 74.98m | 21s | Greenpark | Kirkor Architects

Those sneaky renderings!

This trend of "stamped brick" precast panels is only just beginning and it's really bumming me out. That stuff looks absolutely horrible in most cases, and even the best executed precast brick panels don't come close to the real thing.
This trend of "stamped brick" precast panels is only just beginning and it's really bumming me out. That stuff looks absolutely horrible in most cases, and even the best executed precast brick panels don't come close to the real thing.
Agreed. In this case, they are now better off carrying the brown painted brick completely.
This trend of "stamped brick" precast panels is only just beginning and it's really bumming me out. That stuff looks absolutely horrible in most cases, and even the best executed precast brick panels don't come close to the real thing.

Yep, truly horrid. It would look better without the brick texture at all, just a flat slab.
Looking at the renders, it doesn't look that bad. I think it may be the choice of final materials that's letting it all down.
I just think it's sad that in an this area full of character in the "design district" we get this...basically a building that looks like it came from Mississauga circa 2008. Threw in some fake brick to tie-in with the neighbourhood. Just lazy. Some developers really can't be bothered. Make $ who cares what impact the building has on the surrounding area. This and its neighbour to the West (I just hate how it meets the street..smh @8ft ground floor) are a huge missed opportunity.
Ivory really is a nice looking building.. but yes, the function of it at ground level is rather poor. This one should function much better at ground level, but turns up the ugliness dial.
Ivory really is a nice looking building.. but yes, the function of it at ground level is rather poor. This one should function much better at ground level, but turns up the ugliness dial.

Ivory is not bad really. It's decent. But at street level it is terrible.
