Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

But Zeidler? I don't understand why people worship him: his stuff is garbage!


Ontario Place, Eaton Center, McMaster University Health Science Centre (needs a revamp, I'll admit),Sick Kids, Sherway Gardens, Rotman, National Trade Centre at Exhibition Place, etc.

I'll agree that some/a lot of his stuff lately is kinda....insert desired mediocre adjective here....but back then - he was on a roll!

Cheers to 1970s-1990s Zeidler!
Is there anybody familiar or live in College Park North building - 763 Bay or purchased unit of South building - 761 Bay, how do you feel this builder?
Any idea on their construction quality, moved in (on time?), management, security...? Thank you for sharing.

I don't live in these towers but have friends (and neighbours) who do live in the North tower. They are very happy with the quality and general management of the building. Granted, she and her roommate are renting so they're not as invested as owners, but they feel like its a good place to be. Unlike CityPlace - she once lived in Matrix for a few months and was robbed by the security company. They broke into her apartment and ripped off some valuables from her and her roommates as a part of a crime spree in the building. Also, she complained that the counters there lifted off the cabinets without provocation and that the cabinet doors fell off more than once from using them (opening them). Perhaps her reference points skew her judgement though…
Thank you CSW2424. I entered into the North building once. There is subway access from Parking 1 level.
Hopefully this AURA will be able to access to College Park Shop and the shopping level under Bay 777 which is quite convienent (food court, etc).
Thank you CSW2424. I entered into the North building once. There is subway access from Parking 1 level.
Hopefully this AURA will be able to access to College Park Shop and the shopping level under Bay 777 which is quite convienent (food court, etc).

and by subway access you mean college park access?
^^ ROCP1 now has direct access to the College Park mall (and subway entrance). It is new-ish, as you no longer need to go through the parking garage to access it.

The entrance to ROCP1 is besie the Dollarama, right underneath the MacLeans-Hunter (777 Bay) tower. I assume Tower 2 will be accessible via this route, too.

Aura is scheduled to link up underneath College Park Apartments Mall (under current park access walkway/trees). At least this is what I've inferred from asking this same question earlier in the thread. Ideally, this connection from ROCP1-MacLeans-Hunter-College Park apartments-AURA- will be connected under Gerrard to the Detla Chelsea and under Yonge to Ryerson, which will be connected to TLS which will be connected to Dundas Station/Eaton Centre.
Connecting the Delta/ROCP to Ryerson will be a chore.

Oh yeah, and I think this idea is still just that, an idea. From what has been discussed in this and other threads, Ryerson's master plan includes a vision of connecting its north and south ends to the subway via the path and the Delta Chelsea has expressed interest in hooking up with the path. Given that College Park has a mini-path structure already (and its growing) it seems logical this will happen - logistics and chores aside.

And as far as Aura goes, we've only heard about ground level (and 3 floors above it (for a total of 4 floors of) of podium retail. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there has not been any announcement about a basement level retail or public access component of this project.
...Zeidler? I don't understand why people worship him...

People who understand and appreciate great aechitecture worship him, he is one of the great architects of our time. he has designed many of the greatest people places I know of and they are extremely well designed.

I dont think architects such as Frank Gehry produce usable buildings - but Zeidler's buildings are designed to be beautiful as well as useful. He and his team manage to create beautiful spaces for large numbers of people to interact seemlessly while creating a beautiful and inspiring structure.
Oh well we disagree. I think Zeidler--like most Toronto architects--produced timid and tepid buildings that Toronto-the-Polite is too scared to diss. But then I'm a reader of FRAME and love colourful Euro-style architecture. Zeidler's stuff is kinda like a Timbit: accessible mass-produced product.

Clewes vs. Zeidler? Clewes wins by many miles yet his stuff is also rather "toronto conservative modern." I want colour! Flare! And local materials! ie red brick, wood, stone....
Clewes vs Ontario place? pshhh. Whatever. I think Zeidler deserves a little more respect than that.
When is construction/digging slated to begin?

I can't wait to have something go up on the empty corner!!!
