Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

Here's a map of Aura's currently approved building height:


As you can see, the top main roof slab sits at 231.09m and they wish to increase this by 12m (thus increasing the top parapet by 12m as well).

Once again, I'm left scratching my head as to how Aura's total building height can go from 243m originally, then to 252m in Dec09, and now 264m today, without adding a single floor... :confused:

Tacking on 21 extra meters (to the original plan) is no small potatoes.

Not that I'm complaining, higher the better!

As for Aura, I really can't wait any longer to see how the crown goes up. It's a weird thing with these types of high profile projects, I never can seem to find the detailed elevation PDF's/torontolegdoc files for these buildings. Big projects like Trump and Aura never see them released so we don't have a precise idea of how they will look in finished form.
I found this post from doing some searching online. Not sure if it's still applicable.
I wish they would fix the web cam. It's had some schmutz on it for the last couple of weeks. I thought it was fog at first, but it must be a smudge of the lens or something.
I wish they would fix the web cam. It's had some schmutz on it for the last couple of weeks. I thought it was fog at first, but it must be a smudge of the lens or something.

It happened during the ice storm, and considering how late into construction they are, I don't see it being addressed.
Fantastic pics of the views! I still think the Eaton Centre towers are the biggest skyline and streetscape killer we have, mainly because cause they're so large, so white in contrast with their surroundings, have awkward irregular footprints, and awkward positioning.

Have to disagree with you there Steveve. They're not the greatest or most unique towers around but I do appreciate how their cladding and irregular footprints differ from the Toronto norm. I even like there positioning, how they're not lined up and not uniformly spaced apart. Basically everything that you don't like about them lol, to each their own I guess ;)
I completely agree about the Eaton Centre towers, vegeta. And I respect the planning behind them even more when I think about how long ago they were built.

Regarding Aura, I agree with critics who point out its definite flaws, but I'm in favour of indulging in a more flattering appraisal here, if only from time to time. There are some obvious virtues despite the missteps. Good to hold people to task, though.
