Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

Yea I was expecting a punch line at some point in the article.

It never came.

For the record, I'm sort of on the fence about Aura. But I'm amazed someone like Micallef - a former editor for Spacing - would not bring up some of its obvious flaws.
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Any workers die building the CN Tower?

No, but in one notable instance, a construction worker BASE jumped off of the unfinished tower and parachuted down to the site office where he quit, which might be the most awesome way anyone has quit their job in the history of Toronto
A landmark has nothing to do with your particular architectural tastes. It is a navigation marker. The author is simply stating that Aura is the most obvious new marker in the city.
Yeah he's got a point. Standing at Q&Spadina yesterday morning Aura stood out--it's an easy way of figuring out how to get to College Park:

It also really stands out from the 427/QEW and other suburban areas.

I actually told a Bathurst bus passenger recently to look for a tall blue glass tower under construction to figure out how to get to some gov't office.

It's the Minto Midtown of Yonge & College area.
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So in this picture, it fits in with its nieghbours quite well. Picking up on the details of the sorrounding buildings. Great Photo!
Gee Thanks. I had forgotten about that looking at this picture^. Floor heights aside though, Over all its not bad from this angle
Are any of the buildings in that photo actually *good*?

The reflection of Lumiere on the MacLean Hunter Building...
