Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

Remember that there will be considerable telephoto perspective distortion due to the focal length of the camera lens used. It will make more distant objects appear larger.

Wikipedia has a pretty good article on this phenomenon.

judging from the model which I assume is accurate, aura is now about 165-170 metres tall. as a reference rocp N is 154m.

to anyone who assumed I judged the curve cladding based on a grainy picture, I actually went outside and looked at it with my own two eyes. I thought I saw mullions which pissed me off, but I think those are simply due to there being doors on the first floor of the curve.
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Two spaces are open in the basement. Both are hair care places.

This has made me wonder, how the stores that are opening in the basement will survive until the residents start moving into the tower. With little to draw people down there (unless the shop/service is moving from another location with pre-existing clientele), who will go down there to use their services? The street entrance is rather nondescript and the one from College Park is not clear, if you didn't already know that there is to be shopping in the basement, few people would venture down. From the design, the basement shops seem to be setup to serve the tower residents rather than the rest of the city so it could be a rough go until the building is occupied.
True, but I think the building will be occupied this year, no? Not all the way up, but I'm sure if Canderel can turn over the units on lower floors they will. It's money in their pocket the second they get occupancy.
They did that at ROCP which stunned me, units were being occupied before the buildings were topped out.
Aura looking lonely in the sky, from Power street:

I spent a bit of time exploring Aura yesterday afternoon. The Marshall's was surprising big and busy, although it's basically Winners (a store with American-sized clothing that never fits me!).

I also wandered down to the underground "Shops at Aura" and gotta say that it looks like it'll be a bust. There are a tonne of units down there, but they're all SOOOOO TINY. I'm not sure what they expect to go in there. There's already a few nail salons and beauty shops. That's about it. What other retail can you have in a unit that's 200 sq ft?
That Angle in the last picture, does it ever look kinda odd. But I know it will look better once the next set back happens, and the whole project is completed.
Honestly, this may not be an architecturally incredible building, but I'd rather have it in the city than not. We've wanted something with decent setbacks and height for a long time, and we got it. Along with a curved window wall portion and slanted roof which should only make the building look better.
Honestly, this may not be an architecturally incredible building, but I'd rather have it in the city than not. We've wanted something with decent setbacks and height for a long time, and we got it. Along with a curved window wall portion and slanted roof which should only make the building look better.

Yeah. It's basically infill. But infill which just happens to be substantial in size and height. I'll take infill rather than a parking lot.
It's kinda weird--in the 11 Wellesley thread people want a park, but really, a park would've made the most sense right here.

1) Connected to an existing public space
2) Faces large shopping streetwall
3) Has attractive older buildings bookending it.
4) Direct access to public transit
5) Proven hotdog vender success

Therefore let's implode this building and put in a proper "College Park"! :)
