Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

reagrdless of the architectural merits of this design, I am liking the fact of the upper portion not sitting parallel to Yonge. I think this city needs more skewed footprint buildings.

Some posters more than others.

What do you expect? This is a discussion forum, hence the discussion over the architectural merits of this building (because, honestly, what else are we going to discuss here?).

If you want to see photos of construction porn followed by 52 pages of "epic!" or "nice pics!" or bowing emoticons, then mosey over to SSC or some other forum where people high five each other every time some Emirati Oil Sheik or Russian Mafioso bankrolls the latest schlock skyscraper in Doha or Rostov or who-gives-a-%&^#.
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What do you expect? This is a discussion forum, hence the discussion over the architectural merits of this building (because, honestly, what else are we going to discuss here?).

I don't think anyone's objecting to a real debate. But smart-ass one liners don't qualify as such and do little to further the discussion.
Also, there's not much building to debate as of yet. Most of it is yet to be constructed, so the best that can be discussed is the portion that is seen.
Also, there's not much building to debate as of yet. Most of it is yet to be constructed, so the best that can be discussed is the portion that is seen.

you don't need to be clairvoyant to know that this thing is going to be a cheaply constructed, poorly designed, massively ugly blight on the skyline.

1. its already clear from the Wall Of A Million Mullions that they are busily fabricating.

2. check out the website for the esteemed architects of this incoherent hodge-podge, if you can bear it. you will see ample evidence of the complete lack of design intelligence that is the trademark of this company.

3. waddle over one block north-west, and feast your eyes on their sheet metal masterpiece, the Eyesores Of College Park.

just forget the "lets wait and see" charade. its over already. its a disaster, and its just going to become a bigger and bigger disaster.


