Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

They would hopefully use higher resolution pictures than the ones posted. I used MS Picture Viewer and enlarged them until I was seeing as a 50mm lens would and the images were so degraded that they were almost useless. Any attempt to use that resolution in a 'special viewer' on their website would be embarrassing.
They would hopefully use higher resolution pictures than the ones posted. I used MS Picture Viewer and enlarged them until I was seeing as a 50mm lens would and the images were so degraded that they were almost useless. Any attempt to use that resolution in a 'special viewer' on their website would be embarrassing.

I'm not sure where the images were found, but the original images are ~100 x's larger. I'm sure they will use an appropriate size/resolution that best suits the medium. Full resolution could not really be used on line. Full res could however be used on a viewer in a sales office.
Here's a photo i took of Aura today:

AURA at College Park lookin good!!!


Photo by me: steveve :)
Thanks for the pic!

Does anyone know what the next few months might bring for the construction site? When will serious digging begin? When will the foundation be complete?

Also, does it seem like they are "rushing" the build given that it started in the dead of Winter (does this usually happen)?
Thanks for the pic!

Does anyone know what the next few months might bring for the construction site? When will serious digging begin? When will the foundation be complete?

Also, does it seem like they are "rushing" the build given that it started in the dead of Winter (does this usually happen)?

Rushing in what sense? Construction was delayed for months on this project.
Rushing in what sense? Construction was delayed for months on this project.

Rushing as in willing to pay more to start the project in the middle of winter in order to meet deadlines set out in contracts. I know my contract says that "completion" date (can't remember exactly, but something like that) is Nov 2012. I think basing on an earlier post, that means they are finished the main podium? Not sure ...
Construction in Toronto is a year 'round activity and there's no reason for it not to be. I don't sense any rush in getting Aura started, it's as good a time as any.
Rushing in what sense? Construction was delayed for months on this project.

There were significant delays for over a year to sort out financing issues, which should not be a surprise to anyone given the sheer size of the project and general changes in financing requirements across the condo industry (i.e. loan-to-value ratios, limiting purchaser deposits as being considered equity, reduced number of high ratio loans and financial institutions limiting their exposures to single projects and the entire residential sector). Now that work is underway there is little reason to move along slower then necessary - time is money, especially with a project this size - so unless there are contracting, additional financing or logistical road-blocks that occur I don't think there is any reason for the proponent to not move along as quickly as possible.

A few comments on recent posts.[/SIZE]Sincere thanks to Steveve and others who go out of the way to take pictures and post them on this thread. See if you can post pictures a bit more frequently than has been in the past.

Quite a few years ago, I was told by a construction company executive that, all things being the same, it is desirable to start digging from around mid November to end February. It is easier to dig when the ground is frozen and extra measures do not have to be taken to control dust. This fact, rather than the rush to start construction, seems to be the reasons for the construction start in January.

I had visited sales office of AURA in the 1st week of January and had picked up a flyer listing units on the food court floor still available for sale. Date on the flyer was December 2009 and the date of possession was given as January 2011. Considering that there will 6 floors below grade, this date seems to be 'optimistic'.

In December 2009, there were 2 posts in this thread stating that Canderel, as a good neighbour, had informed Delta Hotel and residence of "Liberties" apartment building next door that construction of AURA will start in the 1st week of January 2010. For the first 4 months, activity will be restricted on the site itself. Then, there will be traffice disruptions. It will take 4.5 years to complete the project. Canderel had asked for neighbours understanding, but not forgiveness, during the construction period.

I have purchased a unit on the high floor -- 50's. I was given possession date of June 2012. Going back from the completion date of 4.5 years, I think date of possession will be in 2013 -- towards the middle/Fall of 2013. I can wait.
If the word out there is that it will take 4 1/2 years to complete then occupancy wouldn't be until around early to mid 2014, no?

If the word out there is that it will take 4 1/2 years to complete then occupancy wouldn't be until around early to mid 2014, no?

It will be 4 1/2 years to complete the entire project -- that is, all 75 floors.

Lower floors be ready for occupancy much earlier while construction is going on floors above. Hope that clears the matter.
I was told by a construction company executive that, all things being the same, it is desirable to start digging from around mid November to end February. It is easier to dig when the ground is frozen and extra measures do not have to be taken to control dust.

I did not know that. I suppose that I am still subconsciously thinking of a guy with a shovel, who indeed would have a much harder time of it when the ground is frozen. But modern excavation machinery has more than enough power to shear through frozen soil without problems. Of course, it's still cold in winter, but that is part of the job.
