Toronto Art Shoppe Condos | 98.75m | 28s | Freed | a—A

It looks like this is going to be yet another wall of glass at street level, indistinguishable from all the other walls of glass going up all over Toronto. I wish they could at least break up that dull wall of glass with a few simple brick walls or even precast. It's not like that will bankrupt the project. These glass walls bring nothing to the street and actually make an area unattractive to walk in. I don't know why the city seems to be so unconcerned with this. It will definitely affect the level of animation on our streets if this trend continues. (especially since what usually goes in there is a bank, dental office, nail salon or a Subway, so we don't even get a window display most of the time) They are void of style or charm.
It looks like this is going to be yet another wall of glass at street level, indistinguishable from all the other walls of glass going up all over Toronto. I wish they could at least break up that dull wall of glass with a few simple brick walls or even precast. It's not like that will bankrupt the project. These glass walls bring nothing to the street and actually make an area unattractive to walk in. I don't know why the city seems to be so unconcerned with this. It will definitely affect the level of animation on our streets if this trend continues. (especially since what usually goes in there is a bank, dental office, nail salon or a Subway, so we don't even get a window display most of the time) They are void of style or charm.

Critiquing a design that nobody has seen yet?

The proposal has changed drastically.
It looks like this is going to be yet another wall of glass at street level, indistinguishable from all the other walls of glass going up all over Toronto. I wish they could at least break up that dull wall of glass with a few simple brick walls or even precast. It's not like that will bankrupt the project. These glass walls bring nothing to the street and actually make an area unattractive to walk in. I don't know why the city seems to be so unconcerned with this. It will definitely affect the level of animation on our streets if this trend continues. (especially since what usually goes in there is a bank, dental office, nail salon or a Subway, so we don't even get a window display most of the time) They are void of style or charm.

From what I remember from the public meeting, it's actually smaller storefronts along Yonge.

But even if you're right and it's a bank or Subway, that's a huge improvement to what's there now!
We love to look back at Toronto's 100+ year old buildings with awe. What will all these condos look like in 100+ years?
We love to look back at Toronto's 100+ year old buildings with awe. What will all these condos look like in 100+ years?


Image by Mathew Borrett:


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The Art Shoppe signs on the side of the building were removed. They are also painting the building white for some reason. It looks much better than the dirty concrete it was before.
